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6:27 a.m.

The wound on her calf was bleeding again. Only this time, so were the new cuts on her arms. She limps inside the storage unit, making sure to close it behind her. She bares her teeth in anger as her fist clenches around the vial she fought too hard for.

Daniel lays handcuffed to the cot against the wall. After much consideration, Pathos thought she should be nice and give Daniel a good place to sleep considering he might not make it in the end.

Daniel stirs awake at the sound of the storage door slamming. He frowns as Pathos makes her way to her first aid kit. "Woah..." he mumbles.

Pathos scoffs. "Yeah, right?" She sits herself on the metal table, pulling her hurt leg onto it so she can see it better. She lets the vial she managed to steal roll beside her.

"What happened?" Daniel questions, his hand yanking against the chain as he tries to readjust his position.

"Batman happened," she snaps bitterly as she unwraps the bandage around her calf. "He and that stupid Nightwing hero got the jump on me. I mean, I knew it would happened but I expected my love, not two grown men with skills a lot better than mine."

"And Robin's isn't?"

"Of course he is!" Pathos exclaims, "The only reason I got the jump on him last time because the poor boy was so tired." She shakes her head. "I shouldn't have done that. Of course he wouldn't be there! Batman saw what I could do to his sidekick, he wouldn't risk endangering him like that."

"But that's their job, isn't it?" Daniel chimes as she applies the new bandage. She grabs a bottle of rubbing alcohol, ready to soak the cuts on her arms. "To fight the bad guys. Why would Batman go anywhere without Robin?"

Pathos furrows her brows at the thought. "Every Robin was like a son to him. Most fathers want to protect their sons." She winces as the rubbing alcohol sees into every cut from the batarangs.

"Yeah, but even then they fought every villain." He turns on his stomach to look at Pathos better. "Anytime the news came on it was both Batman and Robin. I'm not sure about the first two considering we were either not born or too young but it wouldn't be too bold to assume they fought everyone too."

She pours a little of the rubbing alcohol on a cloth before dabbing it gently on her lightly scratched cheek. "What are you suggesting, Danny? That this Robin happens to be different?"

"I think so," Daniel admits, "I think...I think this Batman and Robin are closer than the others have been."

"Closer..." Pathos furrows her light brows before giving a disgusted look. "Ew! Daniel, that's disgus—"

"Not like that!" Daniel interrupts, wincing at her lewd thought process. "No, I mean like Father and Son."

Pathos bites the inside of her cheek as her foot dangles off the metal table. "You think Robin is actually Batman's son," she realizes before looking over at Daniel. She gives a grin to his weak looking self. "'re a genius."

"I am?" He asks with a slightly satisfied grin.

"I mean, you've got a pretty solid theory going on," she explains before sliding off the table. "I'll just have to test it the next time I encounter either of them."

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