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22:47 p.m.

For the first time in months, Noelle King finally had the whole apartment to herself on a Saturday night. Her mother wouldn't be back until at least midnight with all the work she has to catch up on in Wayne Industries. Her father had gone out celebrating a birthday with his coworkers, and her younger brother is currently at a sleepover.

It felt great to get some space to clear her head.

Her light brown bare feet lightly slap against the floor as she makes her way to the kitchen to get something to eat. In the family's "living room" blasts one of her favorite television shows on the big screen.

Noelle shakes her head in admiration at the beautiful main character. "So hot," she sighs out before opening the fridge. What to eat, what to eat?

She shrugs her shoulders at the small black box of spaghetti leftovers before grabbing it. With a hum, she puts them in the microwave. Her tank top lifts a little as she does so, but her pajama shorts remain the same.

The microwave lets out a small buzz as it heats up her food, but she ignores it and instead goes back to the living room to watch her show for the next minute and a half.

As she walks back to her couch, she can't help but look out of the large window that practically replaces their wall. Gotham's lively self shines bright as it always does, making the darkness of her family's apartment eerie.

She leans forward, allowing her dark hair to fall before she quickly gathers it and pulls back into a loose ponytail. The background music of the show blaring makes her wince as something anticlimactic happens. With a frown, she turns down the volume to keep the relaxed atmosphere.

She looks out the window for a few seconds, admiring the view of the city at night. Maybe this could be my next landscape, she thinks to herself. The thought occurred to her many times, but it was always shot down by the disruptive family.

The buzzing of the microwave continues behind her, but she ignores it to stand in front of the skyline view.

Her brow raises as a small something in the distance falls. It could be dust, she thinks to herself. But the longer she stared at it, the closer it got. Her eyes narrow as she attempts to see what exactly the thing is. Is that...a person? Yes! she thinks to herself. She takes a step backward as the person glides toward her window.

Who the hell would be doing something like that?

The person gets closer forcing Noelle to act quickly. She takes just enough steps back in time for the person to crash through her window. It almost reminded her of a bird hitting a window, but louder.

What the hell?

Her eyes widen at the person, no, boy, lying face down and motionless on her living room floor. Her eyes land on the cape and green boots, making her furrow in confusion. Very few people would dare wear a costume at night. In fact, she could easily recognize the red, yellow, and green costume.

Robin, she realizes. But if he's here, where's Batman?

Batman and Robin; the Dynamic Duo. A majority of Noelle's family find the two a nuisance to the city. Her little brother is the only one who worships the two like they're Gods. Noelle has no quarrel with them considering their attempts to stop crime have be successful.

So why is Robin on her living room floor instead of fighting crime?

Glass surrounds the motionless boy from the window he crashed through. "Please don't be dead," Noelle murmurs as she takes hesitant steps toward him. She tries avoiding the glass with her bare feet before squatting down beside him. She pokes him gently, only for nothing to happen.

He needs help, Noelle realizes. With a sigh, she goes to her room to put on a pair of shoes before making her way back to the fallen bird.

"Okay," she mumbles, trying to pep herself, "just flip him over and get him off the glass. Shouldn't be too hard."

But it was, unfortunately. The boy was either really heavy or Noelle just didn't have the arm strength. Noelle decided to go with the former to boost her self-confidence.

With a grunt, she manages to flip the sidekick on his back. Her eyes widen as the small cuts on his forehead and cheeks from the impact. Nothing appeared to be broken or twisted abnormally. Somehow, the sidekick managed to avoid serious damage.

She stops herself from moving anymore, her dark eyes transfixed on the mask resting on his face.

Looks a little tight, she thinks to herself. Her hand gently reaches to touch his face, to touch the mask, but she stops herself before she can. Not your business, she reminds herself.

Her land lowers and Robin's secret identity remains just that; a secret. Instead, she puts her arms under his to hoist him upward. The chill air of Gotham makes itself into her apartment, making her shiver as she tries to lug the boy onto her couch. She nearly drops him as she pushes her notebook off to make room for him.

Another three minutes pass, and she finally has him rested on the couch. She bites the inside of her cheek, the gears in her mind turning as she tries to figure out what the hell is happening.

What is this guy doing here? Should I call Mom and Dad? No, that's dumb. Do I contact Batman? How in the hell am I supposed to contact Batman? So that option's out. Do I call the police? Maybe, but they might rip the mask off. Come on Noelle, you can't just leave him here.

Her eyes land on the small cuts on his face. Some look a little deeper than others. Maybe I'll start with that. She makes her way to the bathroom to grab rubbing alcohol and a rag. When she gets back, the boy was still unconscious in her couch. Unconscious, but breathing normally.

She had seen the Dynamic Duo in action via television only a few times but it was enough to come to the conclusion that he could be dangerous. She thought it'd be important to be gentle when disinfecting the scratches so he wouldn't wake up and possibly attack her.

"Please don't kill me," she pleads softly as she allows a little of the rubbing alcohol to get on the rag. She sits on the couch beside his head, leaning over a little so she can start dabbing the cuts with a rag.

It'll be okay, she reassures herself.

highkey excited for this

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