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15:59 PM

When Noelle stepped out of Dinah's office for the sixth time since the incident, she was surprised. It takes a second for her to process before she smiles at the sight in front of her.

Damian, well, Robin, looks up from his phone. It was surprising for two reasons: 1. He doesn't typically stay for her sessions due to the overwhelming duties that come with being prepared for patrol. And 2. He's not usually here as Robin.

It'd been a minute since she's seen him in his "uniform." As much as she loved seeing Damian's eyes, she liked seeing him as one of Gotham's protectors.

"Well, this is a surprise."

Robin stands, pocketing the touch screen in his utility belt before crossing his arms. "A pleasant one?"

"Always." Noelle kisses his cheek in reassurance. Both ignore the creeping blush on his neck (though Noelle was ecstatic she could still make him nervous like that). "What are you doing here, Homewrecker?"

"Ugh, are you really starting that again?"

"I never stopped." Noelle scoffs, putting a hand on her hip. "It's kinda hard to stop me from saying it when we're in front of my family. I do not need to explain that to them." She smiles. "Your family loves the nickname though."

"They keep trying to ruin it." Noelle can tell he's rolling his eyes, even with the mask obscuring them. "I've never been so glad to be an only child again."

"Aw, even Dick's gone?"

"Grayson went back to Blüdhaven a few weeks ago. You knew that."

"I know, I just wanted you to doubt who my favorite Wayne is." Again, she can tell he's rolling his eyes, but the fond smile derives any negative meaning. "So, why's Robin here of all places? I thought you had to prep for patrol after dinner tonight."

He gives a dismissive wave. "I did that during class, so I could finish a mission now." A gloved hand grabs hers. "Besides, I wanted to see how you're doing. You seemed stressed."

Noelle frowns. "You're being sweet and considerate of my feelings to distract me from what you're finishing," she notes suspiciously. "What'd you do?"

"First, everyone complains I have no social awareness and now I have too much?"

"I'd argue you still have that lack." She crosses her arms. "What'd you do, Homewrecker?"

Robin sighs. "It's not what I have done, so to say-"

"What do you plan on doing?" Noelle corrects herself. He gives the closest thing to a look of remorse. "Don't tell me you're canceling dinner with my family tonight." He says nothing. "Oh my god, Damian-"

"I feel fortunate to be in superhero headquarters right now," he sighs.

"Damian, you've already rescheduled twice since I brought it up over a month ago!"

"I'll repay them by keeping our streets clean," he dismisses. He frowns when Noelle pinches his side. "Why did you do that? You knew I wouldn't feel that."

"It's about the implication of the pinch!" Noelle snaps. "You said something stupid! Twice!" She lets out a huff. "Is it at least for a good reason?"

"I would argue the excuse is more necessary than good."

Noelle nods. "Alright, I'll get them to reschedule." She hikes her slipping backpack. "But Mama's gonna start losing respect for you."

Robin frowns. "You're not going to prod me with demands for an explanation?"

"You'll tell me when you're ready." Noelle shrugs. "Besides, we're going on a double date on Saturday with Silas and Christian anyway, so that will have to make up for it."

"Is that supposed to be a punishment?"

Noelle rolls her eyes. "I know you have a dude crush on Christian, but you could at least pretend to be interested in what Silas has to say. He's my best friend, Homewrecker."

"It's not my fault Silas's partner is more entertaining." He pauses for a moment. "I don't have a 'dude crush' on Christian."

"I disagree," Noelle says pointedly. "And if you had your way, Silas and I wouldn't even be there."

"Christian has joined me for coffee or general errand-running on multiple occasions."

Noelle gapes. "You and Christian have hung out?!?! Without Silas and me?!"

"I enjoy a conversation that doesn't revolve around whatever you and Silas feel the need to freak out about," he admits. "I'm sorry if that offends you."

"I'm not offended!" Noelle grins. "I'm excited! You found friends!"

"I am not as antisocial as everyone is made to believe."

"Babe, you totally are, and that's okay!" She pinches his cheek, making him immediately swat her hand away. "That's how I like you, but it's also super amazing when you try to not be!"

Robin huffs. "What do you expect me to say to that?"

"Nothing," Noelle affirms. "I just want you to know I'm proud of you, Damian." She sighs before leaning her head against her chest plate. "When do you need to start finishing your thing?"

She can sense him smile softly before he wraps his arms around her. He rests his head on top of hers. "It can wait another minute or so."

"Good," Noelle mumbles. "We talked about you today."

"Did you?"

"Yeah." She looks up at him. "I'm grateful to be by your side and to have you by mine." He says nothing, but the way his grip tightened around explained enough. She sighs. "Alright, I'll leave you to do whatever you need. Will I see you tomorrow?"

"I can stop by after patrol?"

"Patrol ends at, like, four in the morning," Noelle deadpans. She smiles. "I'll set my alarm." She gives a quick peck on the lips before completely pulling away. "See you later! Text me when you start patrol, alright?"

Robin nods before giving a small wave goodbye. He waits until Noelle's out of the lobby before letting out a sigh.

"You think she knows?"

Robin doesn't react to Dick's voice. After all, they came here together. It shouldn't have been surprising to know Dick was lurking instead of going to the bathroom.

"Maybe," Damian admits, looking at Dick. "But I don't think she'd say anything if she did. She's being respectful."

"Well, I'm sure she's proud of you either way." Dick puts his hand on Damian's shoulder, making the shorter one look up to make eye contact. "We all are."

Damian rolls his eyes, though the mask makes it hard to see. "Your pride is not necessary...but thank you."

"Therapy's hard to get into, trust me, but I think you'll eventually like the idea of knowing you don't have to carry your thoughts or burdens alone."

"You've already given me this spiel."

"And I'll keep giving it until it gets through that arrogant mindset of yours." Dick flicks Damian's forehead for emphasis. Damian swats his hand away too late. "If you need anything, I'll be right out here, alright?"

"I'm not a child, I can handle talking."

Truth be told, he was relived Dick was going to be just outside of the door. He couldn't imagine going to this with anyone else.

Dick gives a warm smile anyway. "You know, you don't have to wear the costume. She already knows your identity."

"I think it would be best for me to patrol alone for a few hours after this," Damian admits. He gives a dismissive wave. "I'll see you in an hour."

Neither says anything else as Damian steps into Dinah's office.

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