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8:27 A.M.

"He slept...on your couch...?"

Silas Walker was confused and amused as he and his best friend make their way to history class. Noelle told him all about what happened yesterday after school.

"Yeah," Noelle sighs. "He slept on my couch."

Silas' cheeks puff as he tries to hold in his laugh. Noelle rolls her eyes before hiking her backpack up. "I'm sorry," he apologizes before letting out a strained laugh, "it's just so fucking funny!"


"Oh come on, Noel. Even you have to see some humor with the situation."

"Yeah," Noelle admits with a shrug, "it's a little funny. Unexpected, weird, and unnecessary, but funny." She sighs. "That's what I get for offering."

"Are you upset that you did?" She looks at her friend with indifference before giving a small smile.

She shrugs again. "Not at all. I think it'll be interesting, even if he's just sleeping on my couch."

"So why did you offer?"

Noelle gives a small smile. "He was tired."

"So if a stranger said they were tired, you'd let them sleep on your couch?" Silas questions as he raises a brow.

"If they saved the city every night, yes."

"Did he ever say why he accepted your offer?"

"Does that matter?" She retorts before pulling her backpack closer. "I didn't exactly press him for information. If he wanted to talk about it, he would've. Until then, it isn't my business."

"Well, he is sleeping on you couch. I think you're entitled to something." Silas gives a pointed look, making Noelle stop in her place. She faces him, forcing him to stop as well.

"He's tired and apparently needs a place to sleep," she says with confidence. "That's enough for me." She jabs her finger against Silas' chest. "And that should be enough for you." She gives a small smile before starting her walk again. "So, how's Jade?"

Silas nearly chokes at the sudden subject change. "You want to talk about Jade while Robin is sleeping at your apartment?"

"Wanna say that a little louder?" Noelle scolds before rolling her eyes. "And why not? Jade's your first girlfriend. This is kind of a big deal."

Jade was a lovely girl Silas had met wherever. Noelle has yet to have a full conversation with the What seems to be optimistic girl, but she didn't care too much. Jade makes Silas happy and if her best friend is happy, she is too.

Silas's cheeks turn red at the thought. "It's not that big of a deal," he denies, making Noelle roll her eyes. "But...she's amazing."

Noelle rolls her eyes again. "Well duh. She chose you." Silas gives a sheepish grin, making Noelle's heart flutter at the sight of it. Her best friend's smile was always a comfort. "Come on, we're late for history."


Noelle rolls her eyes. "Relax, Mr. Jones is pretty cool." The two walk past the locker covered with pictures of Daniel Westle, the boy who's been missing for the past week. Noelle sighs at the sight of it.

Silas bites the inside of his cheek as they pass the locker. "Do you think he'll come back?"

"He has to," Noelle says determinedly, "people will lose hope if he doesn't. We can't afford to lose hope."

16:20 P.M.

It was weird.

He was maybe an hour and twenty minutes into the nap and hadn't said anything. When she arrived home, he was already on the couch, sleeping away. She made sure to be quiet when setting up her canvas.

She dabs the canvas gently, creating small white clouds in the pink and purple sky. It's supposed to be calming when looked at, and so far she thinks it's working.

She looks out at the city, the sunlight not shining directly on her just yet. That's not until sunset, and it will be beautiful as always.

She looks over at the sleeping sidekick before tilting her head in confusion. He's so...still...It almost looked like he hadn't had sleep in days. But he looks so peaceful.

She couldn't help but feel pity for the costumed boy. How late does he stay up saving lives? He seems young enough for school. Does he do that too?

"You're staring," he mumbles, making Noelle jump in surprise. The white eyes of the mask open, letting Noelle know he's no longer asleep.

"You're supposed to be sleeping," she retorts before going back to the clouds. "You still have ten minutes."

"I feel rested enough." He sits up before looking over at her. His cape rests beneath him as he leans against the back of the couch.

"Are you sure?" Noelle questions, "wouldn't want you flying through someone else's window. Maybe you'll be sleeping at their house instead." She gives a sly smile at him. His face doesn't change.

She rolls her eyes at his lack of comeback before putting her paint brush back in the cup of water. She grabs a smaller brush before adding more white paint to it. She begins to decorate with little stars.

"Why the stars?"

Noelle jumps at the sudden presence. She looks at the empty couch before turning around to face the caped sidekick. He stares at her work with crossed arms.

"You're pretty scary, HomeWrecker." Noelle lets out with a small smile as she faces the canvas again. "I didn't notice you moving." He frowns at the nickname.

"You weren't supposed to," he retorts before frowning, "and stop calling me that." He nods his head at the canvas. "What's with the stars?"

Noelle shrugs. "It adds a certain touch to it. I like them."

"Is that all this is going to be?"

Noelle chuckles after finishing the last star. "No, of course not." She points to the barely seen outline of a person laying down. "I haven't painted the woman yet."

"She's meant to be calm, right?" He questions, looking over at her. "That's what the pink and purples are for. The clouds are supposed to make the viewer feel light and airy and the stars...?"

Noelle smiles before looking back. "You'll just have to wait and see, won't you?" She puts the brush down before facing him. "Did you plan on coming over for weekends? I mean, I can see what my parents are doing but I'm not so sure—"

"I won't need your assistance on the weekends," he reassures before marching past her. She raises a brow before turning in her seat again. "You should darken it a little more."

"Hmm, curt." She tilts her head as he cracks his glove covered knuckles. "You know, HomeWrecker, you don't have to be a complete jerk. Especially since I'm helping you."

"I don't need your assistance."

She sighs. "Technically, no, but you do want it." He looks over at her, making her put her hands up in defense. "Relax, I'm not gonna make you spill your life story. I just wanna know...why do you not want to worry Batman about your sleeping conditions?"

"That's not your business."

"I know," she admits with a small shrug, "I just wanted to see if you were still gonna be a jerk or not."

And for the first time, like ever, Noelle saw the costumed boy smile. It made her heart flutter.

happy pride month

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