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19:09 P.M.

Damian acted on instinct the moment Noelle handed him the knife. He was quick to take a deep breath before the gas could rise and immediately swipes the knife in Jade's direction.

This was fine. He could fight partially blind and in one breath. His main concern was Noelle not making it through the gas.

No...she made it to Daniel. Damian couldn't exactly see, but he had a feeling Noelle made it. Hopefully, Beau got a good whiff of the gas before he could get up.

Jade uses the gas to her advantage. Damian doesn't know if she's holding her breath like he is or if she found a way to breathe. Quite frankly, he doesn't give a shit. He's ready to end this once and for all.

Another swing of the knife. It slices through the gas but barely misses its target.

He focuses on listening to Jade's movements. Her practiced movements aren't as silenced as Damian's are. He was an ex-assassin for god's sake.

The sound of movement from behind him forces him to spin in his spot. He catches a swish of blonde hair attempting to disappear through the door they came in.

He throws the knife in her direction, feeling satisfied when he hears his target yelp. He makes the quick decision to follow her. Noelle will be okay, he tells himself as he forces his way through the gas.

He makes it to the door just in time to see Jade laying at the bottom of the stairs. One hand is covering the wound on her calf while the other reaches for what's in her hat.

Damian's quick to leap down a majority of the steps. Jade forces herself into the hallway just before he could reach her.

He grabs the bloodied, abandoned knife from the last step before he kicks the door open again. He makes it into the hallway just in time to see Jade turn around.

She wasn't smiling like she was earlier. Somehow, she's still able to stand with the injury in her calf and it doesn't stop her from throwing what's in her hat.

Two more golden orbs hit the ground, but nothing happens. Jade's eyes widen before she not-so-quietly whispers, "Fuck." She looks away from the orbs to make eye contact with Damian. "Stay back!" she snaps reaching in her hat again. She nearly stumbles as she steps back with her injured leg.

A brown orb is shown this time. Damian's no fool. He knew to be cautious of this one. Scarecrow's fear gas, he guesses. Even if it's a bluff, he should still be wary.

But honestly, he didn't give too much of a fuck. Jade was going down, no matter what she hits him with.

So, instead of abiding by her command, Damian charges forward. He kicks her in the chest, sending her flying back a few feet. He doesn't stop, already moving to hit her while she's down. But even injured, Jade is quick. She rolls to her side just before Damian could deliver another blow and forces herself to her feet.

He grips the knife tightly as she uses the floor to steady herself and kicks upward. Her kick hits the forearms used to protect himself.

She sits herself up enough to attempt a sweep against Damian's legs, but he dodges the attack. He barely steps back in time to dodge Jade's fist.

She's fast, he has to remind himself, even with the injury.

She aims for another punch, forcing Damian to block rather than dodge this time. He uses his other hand, the one holding the knife, to stab forward, forcing Jade to lean back.

Jade uses her dodging momentum to do a fast back walkover, attempting to kick Damian in the process. One foot lands a hit beneath his chin, but the other misses. She lands upright and gives herself less than a moment to charge forward again.

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