7.9K 397 39

23:00 p.m.

Noelle laughs along with her family as the animated character dances. Her little brother, Leo laughs the loudest.

Andrea chuckles as she snuggles against Dennis. The movie slowly comes to an end, making Noelle yawn. Upon hearing the yawn, Leo yawns as well before leaning his head back on the couch.

"All right," Dennis groans before standing up. Andrea rolls her eyes. "Looks like it's bed time."

"No..." Leo groans out, "Not...tired..."

Noelle rolls her eyes as Leo pretends to snore. Dennis lets out a grunt as he attempts to pick up the twelve-year-old. Leo continues to pretend sleeping and remains limp. Dennis lets out a defeated sigh.

"Come on, son," Dennis groans, "let's get you to bed."

Leo slowly stands before being led to his room. Andrea looks over at Noelle and shakes her head. "You're father and brother are gonna be the death of me."

"Don't tell me you hate movie nights!" Noelle gasps with faux surprise.

Andrea rolls her eyes. "I will love movie nights when your brother learns how to enjoy a psychological thriller without crying."

Noelle chuckles as Andrea stands. "You done for the night?" she asks her mother.

"After I make some tea," Andrea admits, making her way to the kitchen. "Would you like a cup?"

"Sure." Noelle shrugs before stepping into the kitchen as well. "What kind?"

"A special herbal tea your Nan made when she was your age," Andrea admits, "She's been making it for me since I could drink tea."

"Nan? As in, the grandma that hates me for being adopted and not Asian?" Noelle clarifies, "You better not tell her you're sharing the tea with me."

"Oh, hush, your Nan doesn't hate you," Andrea sighs as she begins to boil the water in the tea pot. "She just...she was a little disappointed in me, was all."

"Then why does she take it out on me?" Noelle questions with a frown. "Did I do something?"

"No!" Andrea nearly exclaims with a small chuckle,
"Not at all. She thought your adoption was me insulting our family heritage."

Noelle frowns. "Why?"

"Well...I'm not as fertile as my sisters. She thought your adoption was me...giving up." Noelle looks down, biting the inside of her cheek as she waits for the tea to boil. Andrea's arms suddenly wrap around her, nearly scaring Noelle. "I promise, I have no regrets about adopting you."

"I didn't think you did."

Andrea laughs before wiping her cheeks. The tea kettle starts singing, making both King women smile. Andrea grabs the pot by the handle, pouring the homemade herbal tea into two small cups.

She raises her mug before taking a sip. Andrea smiles in delight with the familiar tea before gesturing to Noelle's untouched cup. "Go ahead, try it."

Noelle takes a sip. Smiling, she pulls the sipped out of cup away from her. "It's good," she admits truthfully. "Thank you for sharing this with me, Mama."

Andrea gives a small smile, if being the fourth or fifth smile of the evening. It felt rare to see that these days. "Of course. Good night, sweetie."

"Good night."

Noelle takes the mug to her dark room. With a sigh, she takes another sip of the tea before placing it on her desk.

She turns on the light, illuminating the light blue walls that match her bed spread. She lets out a small scream at the sight of the costumed boy sitting in her chair in the corner closest to the window.

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