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~7 Years Later~

"Harmony, come talk to your mama"

I herd her footsteps approaching the kitchen. I handed her the phone.



"I miss you"


"Yes I'm being a good girl"


"Hey daddy"


"Yes daddy I miss you"


"watching Spongebob"


"No Dora. She too dumb"

I laughed this little girl is too much for me.

I continued to make dinner for us and soon Lucas will be home.

Heather and Tevin got married and now they have a 7 year old daughter name Harmony. Currently, there on a vacation. Coming back till Thursday.

I walked to the dining room and set the table. I made each of us a plate.

"Harm! It's dinner time!"

"Coming Aunty Marie!" I heard the door open and close, telling me that Lucas was home.

Harmony took her usual seat at the table and Lucas walked in.

"Uncle Lucas!" She smiled.

"Hey baby girl" he kissed her forehead.

"Good night baby" he give me a peck on the lips.

We said grace then we ate.



Harmony was already asleep as I walked into my room.

"How was your day?" Lucas asked.

"It was good. I got this job offer in LA" he smiled.

"That's great"

"Yep. The basketball wives are having this reunion and they want me to be their make up artist"

Couple months back, I met Draya, one of the basketball wives. We were talking then somehow we reached to the topic of make up. Next thing you know, I'm doing her make up. After that, every time they have an activity they hire me. Plus I got my photography skills. I'm planning on opening my own studio in LA.

"So when do you have to leave?"

"Friday" he nodded. I got in bed and snuggled up to him.

Then I fell into a deep slumber.



"Aunty! Aunty! Wake up. Time for school!" I opened my eyes and saw Harm. I yawned.

"Okay okay. Let's go brush our teeth"

"I already bathe and brush teeth Aunty"

"Alright, let's find something for you to wear" I walked into her closet. I picked out her white T-Shirt with a black smiley face print on the front and her black fold shorts. I pulled out her black and white high socks with her black and white concords.

As she got dressed, I brushed my teeth then took a shower.

I parted her hair into two halves braiding each side straight back.

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