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18. Hear Me Out For A Min


He has a girlfriend.

That's what been running through my mind for the past couple of days.

Come to think about it, I haven't talked to Lucas in a while.


"Where the fuck are you Nyla!?" I looked at the caller's ID to see if I dialed the right number.

"Who the fuck you raising your voice on nigga? I decide to call you to tell you wassup and you acting like you my damn daddy!"

Where are you?" He sounded as if he was counting to ten.

"I'm like 5 minutes away from your house"

"Aight. I'll talk to you when you get here" I hung up the phone.

I pulled into the driveway and got out the car. Walking to the door, I was greeted by Lucas shirtless.

I pushed pass him and made my way upstairs.

"Nyla we gotta talk"

He walked into the room where I was sitting on the bed.

"Let's talk Lucas"

He stared at me.

"First off, where have you been these couple of days?"

"I was in LA where I met my long last ex and found out that the child he has been taking care of for 7 years is my son. My parents lied to me about everything"

"So you have a child that you don't know about?"

"That's basically it"

"What you gonna do?"

"What do you mean what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna be in my child's life!"

"I don't-

"Look this is not about us or who can come between us! This is about my son. I am going to be there for my son. No matter what. If you don't like my choice then leave! I'm not holding a gun to your head!"

He stared out the window for a while.

"I'm gon be with you along the way" I smiled.

"Better. Now I have to make a phone call"

I dialed his number and took a deep breath.


"Uh is this Jonah?" I asked.

"Yeah. Who's this?"


"Look I don't have-

"Just hear me out for a min. Look can we meet up somewhere?"

He sighed." Sure"



I sat in the Ice cream Parlour waiting for them.

I checked the time.4:30.

They're 30 minutes late.

Then they walked in.

"Mommy!" Nathan shouted running to me with a big smile. I smiled as I got down to his level to hug him.

"Hey baby. Mommy missed you!" I smiled.

"I missed you too mom" I kissed his cheek, running my hand through his curly hair.

He sat next to me in the booth as Jonah and a girl sat opposite us.

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