Chapter IV- Your What?

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~3 weeks~


It's been 3 freaking weeks since I've been grounded. Dad and I hardly talk but it don't bother me.

The landline started ringing so I walked down to the living room to answer it.


"Hey baby!" It was nana.

"Nana! I miss you!"

"I miss you too munchkins! You okay?"

"Hell nah! I'm grounded since dad's new daughter is here" Nana was the only person who allowed me to curse. She was so cool.

"The hell? Who's his new daughter?"

"Some girl name Emily. She always lie to him about me and he believes"

"Oh Lord! Anyway, you guys coming to the memorial service this weekend?"

"Let me ask mama"

"Mama!" I shouted.

"Yes Ny!"

"We going to Nana's for the memorial service this weekend?"



I went back to talking to nana.

"Yes nana"

"Okay babygirl. When y'all get here this weekend Imma have to talk to your daddy. Grounding my baby and shit" I laughed.

"Ok G-ma. Love you"

"Love you too baby" I hung up.

Ever since Grandpa died, whenever his day come around nana always keeps a memorial service and it does be live as hell! I tell you, every family member does be there, either white, black, indian, Mexican and the list goes on.


"Yes mom!"

"Can you go to the store for me?"

"What you need?"

She walked downstairs.

"Pregnancy test"

"I ain't gon even ask. I'm out" she laughed.

I walked out to my car and looked in the mirror. I was wearing a big ass black T-Shirt with a white shorts and my black and white elite socks with my black and white slides. My hair was down and very fuzzy but I didn't care.

I drove off to the store.

I walked in with my car and house keys jingling and my phone went off.

It was a text from Jonah.

😍 Jonah😘❤️: You still grounded?

👸 Nylerrrr😘💕: Hell yeah!

😍 Jonah😘❤️: LML. Where u at thou?

👸 Nylerrrr😘💕: Medical store

😍 Jonah😘❤️: That time of the month?

👸 Nylerrrr😘💕: 😳 Nah.

😍 Jonah😘❤️: Iight. Imma hit u up in a few.

👸 Nylerrrr😘💕: ✌️

I walked around looking for these test.

When I finally found it, I walked to the cashier. It was a girl looking about my age and she looked at me with pure curiosity.

"Happening to you too?" She asked.

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