Chapter 4

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My phone's alarm beeped next to my pillow, sending mild vibrations throughout my bed. I groaned and rolled over, blindly tapping on my phone's screen in hopes that it would shut up. After hopelessly tapping my screen for the fifth time, the beep abruptly cut off. I was never a morning person.

I lay there on my bed; last night's memories playing under my shut eyelids like a movie. Seth dropped me home after midnight but I vaguely remember getting into bed or walking in through my front door. I'm guessing I fell asleep in his car.

Dad would've had a mini heart attack, probably assuming I was unconscious because I was drunk.

My alarm began beeping again. I sighed and grabbed it. Finally giving in, I opened my eyes and shut the alarm off.

I checked through my messages and found one by someone named 'sexiest man I know.' My eyebrows pulled in together and I clicked the pop up to see a message saying 'Good morning, sunshine ;)'

I had a strong suspicion about who this person could be but I didn't want to entertain him by replying to his message so I simply ignored it.

I rolled off my bed and grumpily walked to my bathroom. Sticking my toothbrush in my mouth, I walked towards my closet to decide on what to wear. Sometimes I wished we had school uniforms; I wouldn't have to wake up every morning and make sure I have something different to wear. That would also mean that I wouldn't have to go shopping with Kyla regularly.

I grabbed the first thing I found and left it on my bed. Taking a quick shower, I pulled my clothes on and went down for breakfast.

Dad was sitting on the kitchen counter with his newspaper in his hands while his coffee was getting cold in front of him. I sat next to him and tapped his mug with the ring on my finger. He looked up and gave me a smile while picking up his mug.

"Morning," I said as mom placed a mug full of coffee in front of me.

"Good morning," she responded, returning to the bacon simmering on the pan.

I felt my stomach lurch. I absolutely hated bacon first thing in the morning. I was probably the only person on this planet who felt this way because everyone who knows this about me gave me their shocked looks when they found out.

I wrinkled my nose and inhaled my coffee to cover the smell of the coffee. I checked my phone and realized today was the day Kian was coming back!

Kian was my other best friend along with Kyla. He had to go visit his grandma since she was terribly ill. He is possibly the sweetest guy I've met so far. He may be cocky and way too hyper to the rest of the world but to me and Kyla, he's simply Kian. It's a shame he's gay.

I decided to text him, asking him if he was going to come to school today. Awaiting a response for a few minutes, I gave up.

This was probably what 'sexiest man I know' did too, my brain interrupted.

I really don't like the part of my brain that seems to question my decisions very often.

Mom, dad and I have breakfast in silence. We were never the kind of family who gossiped while having breakfast and updated one another on their lives. We usually had silent mornings.


Kyla and I were talking near my locker when I saw Kian approaching us. My eyes lit and seeing this, Kyla turned around.

"Hello ladies," Kian said, nearing us with a grin.

We had a mini group hug and pulled apart quickly.

"How's your Grandma now?" I asked.

He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. Kyla and I exchanged a nervous look. I hope it's not what I think it is. His grandma's not...dead, is she?

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