Chapter 8

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"Ava! Hurry up! Kyla's waiting outside!" mom called out from downstairs.

I rushed through my room, grabbing the last few bits and pieces I needed to put in my suitcase. This is what happens when you oversleep. Zipping my bag shut, I ran down the stairs in hopes that I didn't forget anything.

We were meant to be in school by 8 and since my dad was busy, Kyla offered to drive me but of course, I woke up late.

I hugged my mom quickly as I rushed out of the door. "Bye, mom!"

"Have fun!" she called out behind me as I ran to Kyla's car.

"Take care," I called back, pulling open the door to Kyla's car.

"Hurry up," Kyla said, adjusting her sunglasses on her face. She looked like she was ready for the trip.

I dropped my suitcase in the back seat and opened up the door to the passenger side. The seat had a huge paper bag on it. I lifted it and slid into the seat, placing the surprisingly heavy bag on my lap.

"What is in this thing?" I asked, opening up the bag and looking into it.

There were a bunch of random things thrown into the bag. Kool Aid. Sharpies. Saran Wrap. Packets of balloons.

"What on earth is this?" I questioned, looking at her as she started driving the car.

"Stuff to prank the guys," she said, flashing me a mischievous smile.

A grin took over my face.

"All this stuff though, it seems amateur," I said, pulling out things from the bag. "I mean it's our last trip, we need to do something big."

She shrugged. "We'll think of something."

I nodded, excited. Ideas were already popping in my head. Every year we manage to pull the worst pranks on Kian. He is probably the most gullible person I know and Kyla and I love pulling a good prank on him and somehow also end up pranking the roommates for the trip.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Kyla squealed next to me.

I laughed and nodded. "I can't wait."

As we were pulling into a parking space, I could see a huge bus with people crowding around it with travelling bags and suitcases. Grabbing our bags from the back, we rolled them towards the bus.


I looked up to see Kian calling us over.

"Looking good, Kian," I said as I took in his army printed pants and brown tee. Why is he gay again?

"Yes, thank you," he said, taking a bow. "Why do you look like you just rolled out of bed, though?"

I looked down at myself. I had black shorts on and a denim top with black sneakers. I don't care how I look as long as I am comfortable.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I said, "I look perfectly fine, thank you."

"Hey," I turned to see Derrick walking towards us. He kissed Kyla, causing Kian to coo 'aww' and me to pretend I was about to puke.

"Alright, everybody. Listen up," Mrs. Delia, the teacher accompanying us, spoke up.

And so the lecture of how we are supposed to responsible teens begins. After that, she told us that we were given our roommates based on the preferences we had submitted. However, there is no guarantee that all of us will get the roommates we want and there is to be no 'whining' about that.

"Once we reach there, I will let you know who your roommates are," she said and then finally let us into the bus.

Kyla and Derrick obviously decided to sit together and cuddle up while Kian and I left to sit on their opposite side.

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