Chapter 7

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I watched the clock’s second hand ticking and going round in circles for the 12th time. History was the one subject I hated with an immense amount of passion. Kyla, Kian and I have spent countless hours talking about how dumb the decisions made in the past were. Whenever we had Derrick around, though, our so-called harmless discussions always escalated into a heated debate.

The second hand finished another circle. 3 more and I’m out of here. After 3 excruciatingly slow minutes, the bell rang and I was the first one to exit the room. I made my way to my homeroom to find Derrick already there.

“Haven’t seen you for 3 days and you’re suddenly Miss Popular,” he commented as I sat next to him.

I rolled my eyes. “Shut up.”

“Seriously, though,” he said, his dark eyes scanning my face. “What’s with all these rumours that I’m hearing?”

“It’s nothing,” I said, shrugging. “Just some girls gossiping.”

“So how was the date?” he said with a mocking smile on his face.

“What date?” I looked up to see Kian walking towards us.

I almost forgot Kian was a part of our homeroom too since he was gone for way too long. Kian and Derrick always seem to team up on me, making me wish I had Kyla around.

“The one with Mr. Seth Riley,” Derrick responded, giving me a nudge with his shoulder.

“Ooo,” Kian cooed. “Apparently, it was magical.”

I glowered at the two of them. “Stop it, guys. We’re just friends.”

Kian’s eyes widened. “So you are friends now? Last time we talked about him, he was ‘someone you went on a blind date with.’”

I averted my gaze. He was right. Damn it.

Why did I call him my friend, though?

I guess I could consider him a friend…

“Look at her!” Derrick laughed next to me.

“Alright everybody, settle down,” Mr. Palmer, our homeroom teacher, called out.

I let out a sigh of relief, glad that I didn’t have to deal with the two of them for a little bit. Kian sat down in front of us, angling his chair to face us while Mr. Palmer rummaged through some papers.

“Could you help me give this out, please?” Mr. Palmer asked a girl, Alison, sitting in the front.

She let out an exaggerated sigh and got off her chair lazily and grabbed the papers from his hand.

“Thank you very much, I appreciate your enthusiasm,” Mr. Palmer said sarcastically, causing a few people to snicker.

Everyone while she passed on the sheets of papers. I scanned through mine once I received it.

Dear parents,

We are proud to say that the school has organized an interactive trip for your children to enhance their qualities and abilities along with giving them the opportunity to be able to bond with their peers.

 The letter went on with details about the trip including how many days it was for, how much it would cost, where they were going to take us.

“Another way for them to earn money,” I mused out loud as everyone began chattering excitedly about the news they had just received.

“I think it sounds quite fun,” Kian said. “We should go.”

“What? Seriously?” Derrick jumped in before I could. “You want to go on a trip organized by our school? Do you not remember how horribly wrong each and every one of them turns out to be?”

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