Chapter 6

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"I believe you were the one who invited me here," I said confidently, trying not to check him out. He had the black helmet he was wearing under his arm which probably was the cause of his messy hair.

"And if I'm not wrong, you refused to come," he said, the right side of his lip tilting up.

"It's not like I want to be here," I mumbled to myself, turning around and placing the Coke on top of the ice cooler.

He came around me to open the cooler and pull out a bottle of water. Opening up the bottle cap, he gulped more than half of it down while I stood there watching his Adam's apple bob up and down. Realizing how creepy I was being, I averted my gaze to find Kyla talking to some random guy.

"Aren't you going to congratulate me?" Seth's voice caused my eyes to focus back on him.

"If you're fishing for compliments, you should probably go to the group of girls staring at you," I said and pointed at the girls who were shamelessly staring at him. "Over there."

He turned around to look at them, causing them to erupt in giggles and pretend to engage in conversations. I rolled my eyes, how much more pathetic can they get?

I grabbed my Coke and began walking away in the other direction while he was checking them out with a sly grin.

"Hey! Ava! Wait up!" I heard Seth call out followed by the sound of running footsteps.

I didn't, of course. I feel like doing the exact opposite of what he wants seems to please me a lot. He caught up with me effortlessly.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

I shrugged, taking a sip from the Coke.

"So you're just aimlessly walking?" he questioned.

I shrugged again.

He groaned and suddenly grabbed my free hand in his, making my eyes widen and the Coke can to almost drop. He began pulling me forward with him while I tried to free my hand from his grip. His palm felt oddly rough yet smooth at the same time.

"What are you doing?" I exclaimed.

"I want to take you somewhere," he responded, turning behind to look at me with those light brown eyes of his.

"Where?" I asked, still trying to free my hand.

"Just trust me," he said, pulling me forward.

I rolled my eyes. Trusting him was something I didn't plan on doing any time soon. When his grip was loose enough, I yanked my hand away and stopped walking.

"I'm not going anywhere with you till you tell me where we're going," I declared and placed the Coke can on the ground next to a huge rock.

"You're so stubborn," he commented, standing lazily in front of me.

A frown etched out on my face. My mom always calls me stubborn and that's the one thing I've grown to hate over the years. I'm not going to let someone else label me as stubborn too.

"No, I'm not," I argued, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fine, then, prove me wrong by going with me without asking any questions," he demanded, a smirk playing on his pink lips.

I peered at him through my lashes and contemplated whether or not this was a good idea. A challenge always tempts me. Screw it. "Fine."

I noticed his smirk grow wider as he turned around and began walking, expecting me to follow him. After a moment of standing there, I followed him and realized he was taking me to his bike. I had no interest whatsoever in sitting on that thing behind him. I wasn't going to let him call me stubborn again though.

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