Chapter 7 / Mr. Morris?!

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Hello everyone,
I managed to finish this chapter. I had very big difficulties with it. I worked on it all night (Yees, all night😂) I don't know how many times I've rewritten it, but now I'm reasonably satisfied with it.😅It is an important chapter, which tells you a lot about the next chapters. Some questions will arise, but they'll also be clarified in the future chapters.😉 There's a lot going to happen for Sam and Penny, and this is really just the beginning. I hope you enjoy it. Have a nice day and stay healthy ;)

Sam's pov:

I was checking equipment at the ocean rescue center when Ben came to help me.

"how are you and Penny?", Ben asked into the silence as he looked at the ocean rescue suits.

"Everything is fine. It's a bit stressful right now because we are planning the weeding, but our mothers help us a lot with it. It's as if they were just waiting to be able to finally plan this day", I smiled and put a couple of life jackets in the closet. When I turned to Ben I saw that he was looking at me annoyed. Apparently he didn't want to hear about the weeding, but what did he expect to hear from me? That I'm not looking forward to this day and that it annoys me to marry the woman of my dreams?! He'll never hear that from me!

"Is everything alright, Ben? Did you have bad dreams?", I joked, but from Ben's reaction I could tell that he wanted to kill me. His angry look told me to shut up.

We went back to the equipment until we were finished. We put everything neatly back in its place and at the end of the morning, I went to Juno to check if everything was okay. Everything was great with the sonar and the engine, so I wanted to went back to the fire station, but Ben stopped me.

"When is the weeding going to take place?", he asked me so suddenly that I wasn't sure if I should answer this question.

"Uhmm... In a month, on July 12th to be precise. So it won't take that long. Why do you suddenly want to know about the weeding?"

"I just wanted to be nice. I wasn't really fair. You can't help it that she chose the worse one."

"What?!" I couldn't believe what he was just saying.

"I knew you loved Penny. Everyone knew it, but I never thought that she would really chose you. I look better, have the bigger house, and make a lot of money. Firefighters are nothing special, but coast guards are rarer and more special."

I really had to control myself not to laugh, but a small smile came to my face." You're right, you look okay, you have a house and a job. But where is your lovable character?"
He looked at me angrily again, but was silent."People don't love with their eyes, people love with the heart. And my heart shows me every time anew that Penny is the woman who makes it beat faster. My eyes see a beautiful woman who is tough and brave, who doesn't let anyone get her down and does an amazing job. She is talented! But my heart sees her warm side, her loyal and loving side."

"You're such a strange person, Sam. What you are saying isn't true. The eyes see what the heart doesn't see." I rolled my eyes in annoyence. Ben was a hopeless case.

I was about to leave the ocean rescue center when I turned around again. "I know that sounds nasty now, but do you want to come to the weeding? I don't want you to feel left out. You're a friend, Ben." Ben glanced thoughtfully at the floor when he lifted his head and a big grin crossed his face. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't surprised by his reaction.

"Sure, I would like to come to your weeding. Should I bring something specific?"

I was just so confused! "Uhm no, you can come without anything. If you want to take someone with you, you're welcome to do that."

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