Chapter 3: fitting in

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Third person pov

Back on Ben's earth

Max Tennyson and rook sat around a table with azmuth, Gwen and Kevin, they all tried to figure out where exactly ben wound up, but came up empty.

It was frustrating for max to not know where his grandson went, rook was also quite anxious to find ben's location, he felt that as his partner he failed him and wanted to redeem himself.

After a while of tying to find his location and failing they all sat there in silence until a small *beep* could be heard.

They all looked at the screen monitor and saw ben's signal on it, it was small almost insignificant but Azmuth started to work on tracking it down, soon they would find ben and bring him back home.

Back on the edge

Ben had told the riders that his race of dragons came from a place far far away and that is why they haven't heard of them up until now, they seem to except this story and ben wasn't laying, he just held a few pieces of the truth to himself.

At the request of Hiccup and Fishlegs ben agreed to go through some tests, the first ones seemed to be standard, like strength, durability, flight manoeuvrability, fire breath heat and amount.

But the others were kind of weird, they rubbed some sort of plant like wheat close to his snout, they called it dragon neep and tried to see his reaction to it he gusset, it was surprisingly quite pleasant but he was still standing on all fours after that, which surprised the Viking more the anything.

The other was his reaction to eel of all things, they gave to him to test his reaction, he just sniffed it and took it in his mouth and just swallowed it whole.

That seemed to less surprising to the Viking, all the while he was being drawn by hiccup on a piece of parchment paper in a leather covered book of some kind.

When Ben came to see his drawing he saw under the drawing and on the next page what seemed to be little notes in old runes, his omnitrix translated to him and he found out it was actually science notes on him, that made him smile and he left hiccup to himself.

It was starting to get late so he went back to the place the riders had set up for his in the stables and laid down to sleep he was kind of tired the day was eventful and it tired him out a lot.

He woke up the next day only to find a chicken looking at him, he looked at it back only for the chicken to tilt it's head, when ben's belly started to growl the chicken made a warning sound at him as if it knew what ben was thinking.

Soon the one named tuffnut came to the stables and saw chicken with ben he came running and took the chicken right out of his cage, he looked at ben while hugging the chicken close and said "don't you even dare thinking about it!" And he gave such a stink eye that he scared him a little.

Ben just answered "look i just woke up and the chicken was right there Infront of me, give me break." He seemed to think about it and said "okay just this once, but I'm warning you I've got my eyes on you..." He did that while doing the motion with his fingers And the chicken gave the same warning sound as before.

He left the stable walking backwords and didn't noticed the barrel behind him and what followed next made ben laugh so hard he almost spad fire from his mouth and nose.

After that he went out and decided to stretch his wings a little, before he could do that however he heard someone walking up behind him, he turned around and saw hiccup and toothless were about to fly somewhere by the looks of them.

Once hiccup saw him he gritted him "ha good morning salamancer." Ben nodded in return and said back "good morning to you to hiccup, toothless." The night furry gave his own version of a gritting, then ben noticed he had extra bags on him.

That made him curios and when he asked hiccup about it he answered "actually we are about to leave this outpost so this is just a few stuff I'm starting to bring back to berk."

Ben heard them talking about their village before but now he was more curios about it, an idea came to his head.

"If you want, I don't mind helping you guys carry some extra weight, i was planning on stretching my wing today any ways." Hiccup gave him a look and asked " are you sure? Berk is not the close to here even in flight." Ben nodded and said "yes I'm sure, besides didn't you wanted to bring me along with you to berk?"

Hiccup scratched the back of his head while saying "yeah but not before I wanted to prepare my father and the rest of the village, you are the first talking dragon we had a chance to talk to you see? Those are pretty big news."

Ben nodded in understanding and said to hiccup "yeah i understand, I'll just find something else to do today."

Hiccup sighed and seemed to think about it for a moment before sighing again and said "well maybe it won't be such a bad idea, but don't talk until I'll give you the all clear, got it?"

Ben nodded and hiccup set him up with a few things to carry back to berk with them.

The flight was longer then ben expected it to be, granted he flew much slower the usual so that hiccup and toothless would keep up, plus he needed them to show him how to get to berk.

After that he saw an island in the distance, and he heard toothless makes some exited noises, and hiccup then said "I know bud, we're home."

And toothless was so exited he shot a plasma blast to the horizon.

(A/N) hello there, sorry for not updating the story for so long, i hade a bad case of general writers block i promise to try and update the story soon, if you guys like be sure to follow and vote for it, if you have any ideas to make it better please tell me in the comments down bellow.

Ben 10 at the edge of berk ( a ben 10 & httyd crossover)Where stories live. Discover now