Chapter 4: when in berk

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Third person pov


They came to berk around sun set, and a small crawed came and greeted them ben too notice that all of them were wearing horned helmets.

But what really drew his attention was the big viking that strod towards them.

He was big built with a vast chest that had sported muscles on top of muscles under his big thick red beard, the guy looked like how thor was described in norse mythology and ben had a feeling he sounded like him too.

Ben noticed the big man spreding his arms as a thundering laugh left his mouth "HAHAHA it is so good ro see you hiccup, welcom home."

He piked up the scrony looking viking into a bear hug, as he squeezed him hiccup said "it is good to see you too... Dad."

Ben was shocked at that revelation, the two couldan't look more differant if they tried, but then he sniffed the air and found them to have simular scent.

Hiccup gasped for air when the big viking let him go from the hug, as soon as he let go of hiccup he took a long look at ben and asked his son "and just who might that dragon be? A new kind no doubt."

Hiccup scratched the back of his head and said to his father "dad this is salamancer he is a realy special dragon we met just a few days ago." He looked at ben and gestured to his father "salamancer this is stoic the vast my dad and the chief of the berkians."

At thaat ben gave a short respectfull bow of his head towords the big viking, the chief noticing that gave him a short nodd of his head.

After looking at him long enough he said to his son "this is quite the unusual dragon you brought home with you hiccup."

Hiccup chucled a bit before saying "oh you have no idea dad." The chief raised a brow at that but before he could ask anything hiccup cut him off by saying "i'll explain later dad, when we are alone,but for now let me introduce you to salamancer, salamancer this is myy dad chief stoic the vast of berk."

The chief nodded at that and said "Alright son, meet me at the arena in two hours."

After that the chief went to resume his duties, while hiccup took ben to the dragon training arena.

Time skeep two hours later

Hiccup, stoick, gobber and gobber stood in the middle of the training arena.

After checking that they were indid alone stoick turned to his son and said, "ok son what is it you wanted to tell us?"

Hiccup scratched the back of his head and started to say "well dad... You see this dragon can do something that other dragons can't."

The large viking crossed his armss and asked "such as?" Hiccup just looked at ben, and ben just ssaid well for starters i can talk."

Everyone eccept hiccp froze in place looking at the alien dragon bearly even breathing from shock.

Surprisingley Gobber was the first to recoover from the shock and said "what in the name of thor's hammer was that?!"

Hiccup gestured twards, but before he could speak ben spoke up "I am a talking dragon from a place far far far away." Said ben with a slightly offended tone.

Stock uncrossed his arms and got closer to the dragon, he examend him and asked "how could that be? Never in all our history have i heard of a talking dargon."

He looked salamncer straight in the eyes and asked him "mind telling us a little bit about your kind?"

Salamncer thought about it for a moment and was about ro refuse because in reality he didn't realy knew anything about the alien dragon, when all of a suddon a wave of information about the alien dragon flodded his brain.

The finaly he spoke he said "sure thing, but you might want to seat down for that."

Back on plumber base

Finaly thay have gotten a lock on ben's location but now they were faving a differant problem, abmeans to get to him.

They sat with azmuth trying to determine how to get to him when a flash of blue light came to the room, when the light died down in it's sted stood a middle age looking man wearing a white victorian style coat and an artificial right arm.

The elderly man turned to face the new commer and said "professor paradox, if your here that must mean..." The time travelor simpley waved his hand and said with a british accent "while usualy that is the case, i am merely here to help you with your current predicament."

At that time rook decided to ask "And why is that might i ask?" Paradox ssmiled and said "well in short, ben has a bigger rule to play in futre events, but i can't revel what it is do to spoilers."

Not waiting for anytthing else Max Mennyson quickly spoke up "so professor what is your plan? you bring him to us just like that?" the time traveler's face turned from theire usual chereeness to a scowle, and he said "i'm afraid it is not that simple, you see... ben had foung himself in quite the compermising situation so simply taking him won't do at all."

then he turned to rook and said "i belive that you still poses your cloak? magister rook blanko." he said while refering to rook by his rank.

Rook nodded and ran to get his cloak and gear, and after that he stood next to paradox while the latter looked on the clock embedid in his arm and said "well look at that we are right on time." as he finished a blue light enveloped the room and both paradox and rook were gone.

max just looked at were they sood and turned to azmuth, who just shrugged and said "if anyone has a chance to bring ben back it's those two." and max could only hope that the first thinker was right... for ben's sake.

(a/n) hi there sorry for not updating for long had a lot going on on my plate, two thing i want to adress, one this is going to be a short story so don't expect a lot of righting going on ,and second sorry that my grammer and spelling of things isn't proper but you guys have to understand something... english is only my second language but i'm trying my best.

so if you liked the story be sure to vot and if you want to see more follow and let me know in the comments down bellow.

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