Shenanigans with a Bunch of Hooligans

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It's been a few days now since Suisei and I had our date in town and were found out hy HoloFive. Since then, rumor spread qiickly that Suisei and I were datin' much to the disapproval to fuck all minus a handfull of male staff members. Of course, these were rumors so Suisei and I had no issue dismissin' 'em like some pair of scolded school children.

And as one could guess, we'd get asked by the idols if they were true. Ironically enough, we actually came up with an excuse in unison on the spot that our relationship was similar to Korone and Okayu or Pekora and Miko. They actually all bought this so, we were left in relative peace minus those jealous guys. Like I care.

Today was a pretty busy day since I would actually be meetin' most the gals for either a brief collab, meetin' or just plain hangin' out with 'em cus' I said I would. But I also wanted a change of outfit. And by change I mean to my old one.

So, first up was breakfast with the Gen 1 gals cus' Haachama had been botherin' me to try her cookin'. For some reason, whenever she was around and brought up the dreaded "C-word" people would look at me with pity and sorrow.

Arrivin' at the staff lounge, I had been mindful enough to bring plates and other utensils since I didn't want any of the gals to do clean up. So, walkin' in with a smile-! And the fuckin' place is on fire! Lookin' at the sudden chaos, Haachama was flailin' what seemed to be a pan that was attached to a string, for some fuckin' reason, and was on fire at the same time. In the middle of the room, sat a flamin' tray of...hell if I know. Next to that flame, Mel and Aki were tryin' to resuscite Matsuri who was foamin' at the mouth and Fubuki sat behind a counter with a yuukuri kind of vibe to her.

"What in sam hell is goin' on here!?"

"Ah! Matsuri choked on Haachama's Cooking! Haachama tried to save her but, Haachama accidentally knocked the spaghetti  over!"

"In...other words...?"


She said while strikin' a cutesie innocent pose as I sighed and walked over to Mel and Aki while Matsuri continued to spas out. Tossin' the things behind my back, I'd jump into the air and give Matsuri's stomach a elbow drop as she launched up whatever she was chokin' on. Mel and Aki just sat back in horror as to what they witnessed as I stood up. Dustin' myself off as Matsuri weakly held up a thumbs up that promptly fell to her side.

"Oh...Oh my god! You killed her!"

"Serves her right for tryin' to sneak an ass grab every chance she gets. Ya hear me 'Goddess?' That one's on the house."

Walkin' up to Fubuki, I sighed as I took a seat. Lookin' at her, I sighed out again with a soft groan and shook my head.

"Let me guess...You got too chill durin' a Yuukuri Fubuki stream and are now stuck like that...?"

"Its no—othing to be wo—orried abo—out, friendu. Yuu—ukuri Fu—ubuki has everythi—ing under contro—ol."

"Uh-huh...I think I'm goin' to let A-Chan handle this one..."

Soon after, Haachama slid a plate up to my table as I cocked an eyebrow to see a black brick on said plate along with a bundle of what I assume were noodles. Now I say assume because they were unnaturally thin for any type of noodle.

"Haachama made spaghetti and meatballs~!-"

"That's fuckin' spaghetti and meatballs!? Where's the meatballs!?"

"There, silly mafioso~!"

Pointin' at the brick, I grabbed it, rather yet, stabbed it since I had to break what was the charred exoskeleton. However, when I did, I heard a meaty squish as the thing began to leak juices...

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