Chapter 4: The Rooftop Crisis

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CIA Safehouse E9
West Berlin, March 12 1981

     "How's the rust on your spanish"
"I can pass easily in Spain"
"In Havana they'll identify me as a gringa as soon as I open my mouth" Park admitted as Adler closed the door behind them.
Bell tried to watch them through the windows of the office when Park made eye contact with him and shut the blinds. "Fortunately, I don't plan to talk much"
     The real conversation began once they realized Bell had finally stopped eavesdropping on them and went outside. "You and him aren't still...." Adler trailed off.
"Who?" Park asked, finding Adler's tone uneasy.

Park realized what he was implying. "No, we decided that it would be best to remain on professional terms." She said looking away from him as she put out her cigarette.

"Good, I don't need you thinking you two can just run off into the sunset together like everythings a fairy tale."

The small room became silent before Adler broke the ice. "If tomorrow goes wrong, you know he's our last shot at redemption. So when we all extract together tomorrow, I want him hooking into the line first. No matter what, we can't afford to lose such a valuable asset." Adler lit a cigarette, and leaned against the desk. "I've been patient with him, and giving him his dosages but tomorrow we might not have a choice. I just need you to know all this so you can prepare you and your team for the worst."

"I understand, but how do you even plan to..." Adler cut her off.

"Is that concern I hear agent Park?" Adler suffocated his cigarette in the tray, diminishing the light from its ashes. 

"No, I trust you'll know what to do. I'll help you when the time is right." She said through her poker face. In truth she wanted to punch Adler in the face and shayter those stupid sunglasses he always wore. But she knew that her careless actions could put her in a situation she didn't want to be in.

"I'm glad we're on the same terms then." Adler said, opening up the blinds to the small office and opening the door.

They both went their separate ways after their private conversation. While she did ask the questions she wanted to, she used those as a way to bore Bell until he finally left them alone. However she figured Adler had a few questions too, she just didn't know what.


Daniel Folten: 30 miles south of Havana Cuba
March 13, 1981
1600 Hours

      They made their way to the second floor after a few more bloody encounters with the enemies.
"27B, Adler we're heading inside." Park informed Adler.
She quickly took a keycard from her pocket and unlocked the door. Bell assumed she must have found it back in the security room.
"Lazar man the door." She said, already walking past him.
"You got it Park." Lazar said, keeping an eye out.
      Bell followed her inside. The door revealed three bodies that was left of the muder scene. He noticed that one of the bodies still had a bit of life in him. "Pershing", he thought to himself, glad that he was still alive.
"Bell canvas the room."

"Already on it." He replied, picking up a piece of intel.

Park went over to the limo Hastings and kneeled down beside him. "Hastings, start talking."

She must have taken him by surprise when he let out a panicked joult. "Perseus was here! Shot us! Escaped!" He said trying to hold on to the last bit of his life.

As Hastings explained to Park what occurred, Bell wandered over to the corner of the room finding a small box of health stims. Figuring they might come in handy later he grabbed a few of them and stuck them in a pouch on his vest. Once tucked away, he noticed a small TV to his right. Walking towards it he saw its screen flicker, showing what he recognized to be old war footage. "Is that 'nam?" He asked, confused. However the flicker went as soon as it came and when he blinked, the screen was black again. He stared at the black screen wondering what he just witnessed.

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