Chapter 19: Ambush Within the Night

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March 30, 1981
Perseus Base
USSR, Moscow

"So what do you two have for me?" Perseus asked taking a seat at the large table in his office.

"Our mission report, about those rebels and their operation." Anthony stated, shutting the door to the large room.

The two men explained everything to Perseus as the older man listened.

"And what became of the intel?" he asked

"Our men found it in the possesion of the CIA agent. We took care of it." Stitch replied noticing his partner still wiping at his nose.

"Well if the CIA is aiding traitors within our own country, then we can assume that their message is spreading quickly. Otherwise their supplies never would have made it past our borders." Perseus began  stroking at his chin.

"Just as I began to suspect." Anthony agreed, the blood finally coming to a pause. "I sent men to investigate the Miami outpost given to us by the CIA captive. They returned yesterday and were debreifed immidiatly. The base was found empty however in the smallest room four of our men activated a wire and the door shut cutting the four off from the rest. One of them told me that within seconds, flames rose behind the door and screams soon followed it. The four died and if there was any useful intel within that room its disintergrated."

"The Americans are foolish in their tactics. Their country is falling apart yet they send aid to our own who oppose us." Stitch spoke up. "They have been at this for at least a few weeks to a month, theres no telling what intel these rebels have leaked."

"We may not, but we can test their knowledge. Draw them out, crush them while we still have the larger numbers. Perhaps to this very room." Perseus straightened himself up in his seat.

"Your suggesting we bait them here? Beneath this very roof? We are in the heart of Moscow!" Stitch began to raise his voice slightly.

"It is not wise to question the tactics of the man who gave you everything. Because I don't beleive you were ever to fond of that Gulag." Anthony's tone was significantly lower and calmer that Stitch's. Having read the man's profile, he knew he had poked a nerve.

Stitch shot the younger man a stare. The tension remained there as he stayed quiet, realizing his actions could jepordize everything he was working for.

"Enough," Perseus placed his hands on the table, breaking the silent tension. "comrade Petrov is right Kuzmin, I brought you here for a reason. Don't make me reconsider my options." He galred over at the angry man.

"My apologies, sir." Stitch said, gathering enough strength to show his regret.

"It is settled then, we draw them here, and put an end to their treason."

"Yes sir." They both agreed.

A few hours had passed when their plan was all laid out.

"Prep your gear and men, in the meantime I will alert everyone else to travel to Verdansk, our files and documents will be safe there." Perseus turned off the projector and began making his way to the door to allow the two men out of his office.

"Understood." Anthony responded. He waited until Perseus shut the door behind them to speak to his partner.

"You prep the men, I'll send out the messages." He said to his right.

"No, I will send out the messages, you go and prep the men." Stitch said firmly. "Wouldn't want a child messing up the frequencies." He scoffed.

Anthony didn't even bother to respond, by now he was begining to get used to the other man's comments.

As Stitch walked away he wandered the halls, making sure nobody was following him before he sent out the fake messages he was supposed to.

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