Chapter 14: A Cold Journey

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March 1, 1981
"Die Landebahn" CIA Safehouse E9, West Berlin

"Lets chat then." Bell said, turning around to face Adler. He didn't like the tone Adler used when uttering those words. Its as if Adler was onto something he wasn't confortable discussing.

"Lets step outside." Adler let Bell go first. The night sky was filled with many stars and he could hear the sounds of the city. It slept, but not all of it. There was still faint sirens as emergency vechicles rushed through the night to do their jobs.

"You finished up the red room, Bell?" Adler asked, shutting the door behind them.

"Yea, I had some spare time, figured I'd help Sims out and do it for him." Bell leaned against the wall of the safehouse.

"You know he'll probably rearrange everything himself."

"Yea, I didn't think about that until I was already finished." Bell chuckled.

Bell gave into a sudden urge. "I never told you during the debriefing, after the mission with Volkov. At the time it didn't seem worth mentioning but there was another man there, it seemed he might have been working alongside Volkov and Kraus. He was an older man, probably somewhere between Volkov's and Kraus' age. There was something about him, the way he looked at me before I shot him..." Bell hesitated. "I heard his voice inside my head, but he never uttered a word."

"Bell, we've gone on many missions and shot countless people. After a while of hearing many screams of victims just before their death, it's easy to imagine what their pleading words would have been." Adler explained simply. "If he was working alongside Volvok he probably wasn't anymore useful alive then he is dead. What you heard or may have experienced, I wouldn't let it bother you."

"Right." Bell responded. Perhaps he was over complicating the matter and thinking of it as something more than it was.
There was silence for a few moments.

"Bell, you know one of the first things I told you here when you arrived was to keep things professional. In some way you have and others you have not."

He began to suspect what Adler was getting at. Remaining silent he kept his eyes off in the distance, looking at the city lights of Berlin.

"You and her, Bell. I want that fixed." Adler said firmly, squishing the ashes of his cigarette beneath his foot.

His hands began to sweat when he made eye contact with Adler. "I understand." In truth he didn't, not at all. But he really didn't feel like starting a fight he probably wasn't going to win.

Adler began his way back inside while Bell remained still. "Oh, and Bell?"
"Keep this in mind. We have a job to do." He shut the door behind him, leaving his recruit outside.
March 26, 1981
Perseus Base
Moscow, USSR

Early that morning Anthony went to go meet with Perseus in his office.

"Sit." Perseus motioned towards one of the leather chairs. "Today's training will be a bit different. Perhaps one of the most extreme sessions you will endure yet."

"I consider myself prepared for anything you give me sir." He said with pride.

"Hopefully that spirit will remain with you through today. Pack your things Comrade Petrov."
"Where are we going?" He asked, curious.

"I have arranged a place for you to train, as well as a temporary base. That is all you need to know. Pack your things, we leave within the hour."

He began to head towards the door to prepare for their trip. "Oh and don't bother changing clothes, what you are wearing will suffice."

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