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March 31, 1981
Kastovia, Verdansk

After some meds to help with the effects of the tear gas, Anthony found his way outside the underground bunker. Even though he had a magnificant view when they had arrived he really was too annoyed with Stitch to focus on it. Climbing a set of stairs he stood on top of the bunker, overlooking all of Verdansk as the sun set.

"Quite a sight." Perseus said from behind.

"Yes, much better than those mountains." He chuckled.  "What are we going to do about these rebels sir?" His eyes not leaving the horizon.

"We will keep close tabs on them. Perhaps we should consider bringing in new talent."

"Your suggesting that we go around recruiting?" Anthony quickly glanced over at the older man to see if he was serious.

"Hm." He mumbled. "I figured you wouldn't be too fond of the idea. But wouldn't you rather work with someone who doesn't despise you and try to knock you down, like Kuzmin."

"I'd work along side the easter bunny rather than work along side that idiot." He scoffed.

"Exactly." Perseus pulled out a file from his coat and handed it to Anthony. "Harry Stone, EX-SAS. He was trained in hostage rescue and CQB tactics. After he was dishonerably discharged he became his own man."

"A mercenary, of course. Because they haven't been known to turn their backs for a paycheck." He said looking at the masked man's picture as he flipped to the next profile.

"Ingo Beck, Service Unit 9."

"A German?" He said curious, as he observed the small picture of the man in glasses.

"Yes, but he can be of use when it comes to explosives. You two would get along quite nice."

"How so?" He asked, flipping to a third profile.

"Just a feeling."

"A KGB agent?"

"Yirina Portnova. Said to be quite the master when it comes to cryptography." The picture showed of a woman with red colored hair.

"You already have the worlds best, sir" he said referring to himself. "Why do we need her?"

"She would allow you to have more time in the field than at a desk."

Anthony closed up the file and placed a hand to his forehead, covering his eyes. "You really think their loyalties can lie with us?" He sighed.

"Of course not, especially not with the likes of Stone. But all we have to do is pull a few strings and a little of persuasion to have them with us."

"Then I assume you've considered the repercussions if they ever stepped out of line."

"Trust me if they do, I will let you decide what will become of them. But for now, I want you keep close tabs on them. I have sent agents to their locations to take photographic and video intel. They will report to you each month through a secure line. If you find anything new then update their bios. Communism is spreading, and if anything these three operatives could help it grow at a faster rate."

"How else could we increase the rate?"

"Iv considered giving the people here what they want. Some things, but not everything. Certain individual rights, better housing, all while still maintaining out proper flow of government. Which is what we need more of, government ties. But for now what we have will suffice."

"Then it really is only a matter of time before America collapses. Their people will turn on one another, if they haven't already."

"And one day soon, their economy with it."


Sitting at the small desk in his new quarters he pulled out the file he had received from the rebel earlier. Having already held up his end of the bargain weeks prior to their call, he was suprised she even held up what she did.

"Outpost 5, come in." Stitch scooted his seat closer to the desk.

"Outpost five, what can we do for you sir?" A man reaponded.

"Put her on the call." He said firmly.

"She's busy right-'' the man was interrupted as Stitch slammed his fist onto the table.

"I don't enjoy repeating myself soldier!" There was no reaponse for a moment as he heard movement and footsteps through the headphones.

"Stitch." The woman replied.

"I delivered exactly as I was supposed to. I gave you a copy of his bio. You were supposed to eleminate Perseus!"

"We were tied up in a situation with your friend! Perhaps next time tell us the plan in full and maybe then you can expect me to deliver. But as long as you received the script then I see no other reason to continue this conversation." Having stood her ground she ened the call with Stitch leaving him frustrated. Getting rid of the old man was going to be difficult and perhaps take even years. But it wasn't going to be impossable.

Stitch tossed the headphones back onto the desk and scanned the script, using it to further persue his plans.

CIA HQ: Langley
March 31, 1981

"Bring her in." Hudson said to gaurd. As the door opened he gestured to the seat infront of his desk for his guest to sit.

"What is this about?" I thought I was being sent back to MI6?" Park questioned, a bit annoyed.

"Change of plans. With Adler gone, theres no one else willing to take on his assignmnet. Thats why I'm assignmning you to take his place. Iv aready discussed it with the President face to face. He's willing to approve it if your willing to accept. I don't see why you wouldn't, theres probably not much left to do back at MI6."

"Not much at all, unfortunatly. But I still have some things I need to disclose back home. I did my time with Adler, and I regret every second of it." The thoughts of all that could go wrong if she accepted, began to creep in. "I want no part of it." She said, refusing Hudson's geature to sit. Silence filled the room for a moment. "Well if theres nothing else, I'll be going." Making her way for the door, Hudson stopped her before she could even touch the knob.

"December 21st, 1969. You were a student back then right?"

"Whats so special about that date to you?" She said defensivly as she stepped back.

"Nothing to me, but I know it means the world to you. I know if I had the opportunity to find my loved one's killer, I'd take it without hesitation."

"I would be very careful about your next few words Hudson." Her hand slowly began to creep behind her back.

"Thomas Park, I hear he was one of Perseus' biggest targets back in the day. Having once allied with him... well I'll make a long story short and say he decided to change his mind." Hudson's hand moved underneath his desk.

"Thats not very careful." Drawing her pistol just as quick as Hudson did they stood there. Each waiting for the first to fire.

"Thats the farthest you've ever gotten for the past decade isn't it."

She didn't respond, just stood there boiling with rage with her pistol in hand.

"Well I guess when its a one person show it takes some time." He said lowering his pistol.

She lowered hers as well as Hudson once again offered her a seat. This time she took it.

"So, accept the offer, and I'll give you your own task force dedicated to finding Perseus. Along with helping you fish for your your brother's killer. Or dont and I'll leave you to it." He said resting his hands on the table.

"Give me Sims, I'll hand pick the rest myself later." She said standing up and marching out the door.

"Very well." The man replied moving his glasses up on his face.

AN: I do hope that many of you enjoyed this story. And if there were somethings that you wished could have been differrent maybe check out my other story that covers an alternate time line of this. The story will continue in After the Bell. Thanks for reading!

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