Chapter 9: The Traitor Among Us

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February 24, 1981

After the debriefing, Bell went outside to test the new tranq gun Sims had given him. Within the hour they would set off on their mission to East Berlin to, according to Adler, "kill or capture" Volkov. However listening into a short conversation between Adler and Park, it was clear there were mixed feelings on the matter. In his mind, if he had the opportunity to capture Volkov he would, but he would not hesitate to kill him either.
Seeing two wooden crates by the door, he stacked them on top one another to use as a target. Pulling a tranq out of his pocket he loaded it into the chamber and pulled the trigger. When he heard the click of the pistol he realized there was something jammed inside.

"Careful not to shoot yourself." Sims teased as he shut the door to the safehouse behind him.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not letting that happen again." Bell chuckled.

"Here." Sims signaled for Bell to hand him the weapon. "You forgot to take the cap off the dart." He said removing it and handing the gun back. "But you knew that." Sims laughed.

"Of course." Bell added a laugh, a sheepish look on his face.

Bell aimed and shot the dart into the wooden target.
"The aim could be a bit better." Bell said as the dart landed a little below the red logo of the crate.

"Yea, the darts aren't as heavy as normal ammo. Just make sure you aim a little higher than you normally would. Don't want the dart dropping at the target's feet."

"That'd just be embarrassing." Bell said. 

"Well I just came out here to give you some extra ammo." Sims said, looking at the tranq gun. "Stay safe out there." Sims patted Bell on the back as he returned inside.

"Thanks." Bell replied with a friendly smile.

He took Sims advice and tried aiming a little higher on the target this time. This time he made sure to remove the cap of the darts as he placed them into a new mag. He went to shoot again, but it wouldn't budge.

"Jammed again?" Bell said to himself. He banged his hand against the weapon to try and fix it. However in the process of doing so his finger pressed the trigger by mistake sending a dart flying out.

About that time the door to the safehouse opened and the dart landed at Park's feet. She picked up the dart, examining it.

"Oops." Bell said.

"Is that your response to the enemy when the dart lands at their feet too?" She chuckled.

"Funny." Bell smiled. "This tranq gun keeps giving me problems, if it wasn't too late I'd ask Sims for an alternative but we only got..." Bell looked at his watch.
"30 minutes before we leave out for the subway. What's on your mind?" Bell asked, wondering why she came out here. He put the safety on the pistol and set on top of the crate.

"Just came to take a break from stuff."

Bell could tell she was frustrated. "Adler?" He assumed. She looked at him, confused. "I've got a bad habit of eavesdropping sometimes."

"He's so insistent that we kill Volkov that he won't even realize all the questions he could answer for MI6."

"I remember hearing a lot about him back in London. Capturing him would be a significant win for us" Bell said, referring to MI6.

"After we were both assigned to an escort long ago, I forgot how infuriating working him can be." She sighed.

"Yeah. I try to think that the sooner we find Perseus, the sooner we can all return to our countries."

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