Chapter 16: 'Confusion'

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(Something not angsty for once :) )

3rd Person POV:

For Luz, walking to school was the best time of day. As a morning person, she enjoyed the smell of the cool air and fresh-cut grass of her neighborhood. She has lived here for a couple of months now and still has surprisingly not gotten bored of it. 

"Alright, you guys can stop messing with me now," Boscha said, clearly annoyed with Amity. "Aw, you know how much I love messing with you though," The Blight said, punching her lightly in the arm while laughing. 

Luz could only slightly hear their conversation in the background. She was too busy zoning out, noticing every movement from the wind blowing, to the tiny animals that hopped around.

"Luz, LUZ!" Amity slightly yelled, shaking Luz's shoulder. Luz was startled and jumped a bit. "Jeez dude, we've been trying to get your attention for like 5 minutes," Boscha chuckled. "Sorry, I'm sorry..." Luz mumbled out with a smile.

When Luz would think hard about something, she would zone out a lot. Her mom would spend plenty of time trying to get her attention back. At first, she pushed it off as Luz being a really critical thinker, but eventually got worried. When the doctor diagnosed her with ADHD, most of the things she thought were unnatural started to make sense.

"Don't be sorry Luz, everyone spaces out," Amity reassured her. In her time of knowing the one and only Luz Noceda, Amity had noticed little things about her that she admired. Luz was very compassionate and considerate, and she would always apologize way too much for things. Sometimes, it would make her a bit sad when she did. So to make up for it, she would always reassure Luz that she didn't have to apologize for anything she couldn't control.

Time had passed by before the trio had realized they were already at the front steps of the high school. They walked into and smelled the familiar cinnamon candles that were lit in the office. They continued on with their normal routine, dropping off Luz first at her class and then heading to their own. 

Ever since the Fair incident. Kali has surprisingly left Luz alone, maybe she thinks she won but in reality, she didn't. First period when by like a breeze as well with the second and third, in which Luz and Amity held hands under their desks the entire time. Next came Lunch and 4th period which they shared. It was mostly the same thing, holding hands and sharing small smiles; which was leaving Luz more and more confused.

5th period was as amazing as usual, Mrs. Sanders' Art Class was her favorite part of the day. Sadly, it had to end and next was her free period with Amity. She headed to the library, as usual. She got a strange feeling in her stomach as she did though, almost queezy. She couldn't tell if it was butterflies or nervousness, maybe both.

Even so, she when in the library and toward their seats like Luz has been doing for the whole year. As usual, Amity was already there. Luz put her backpack next to her seat and sat right next to Amity. the Blight was focused on her math journal, Luz could see her writing down equations. A piece of hair had fallen in front of her has as she did. Luz saw and put it back behind her ear making Amity jump a bit.

She turned to face Luz, "Oh, hi..." Amity said. "Hey..." Luz responded just as awkwardly. They stared at each other for a moment before Amity turned away subtly. "Well, I'm studying for my algebra mid-term coming up, super important if I want to keep a good rep," She said, turning back to her papers. "You should study too, I don't want you to fail," She told Luz. "Nah, I'll study tonight," Luz replied.

"You're such a procrastinator, you know that right," Amity said, turning back to her with a smile. "Yeah, but I don't mind it," She replied with the same tone. Soon they were just staring at each other for a long amount of time before Luz noticed Amity staring down at her lips. Luz's eyes widened a bit as Amity leaned in. Of course, she wanted to kiss her, but it was too confusing right now. When their lips met, Luz pulled away subtly.

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