Chapter 9: 'Rumor'

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( ⚠️ TW ⚠️: F-Slur)

3rd Person POV:

1st period had ended and Luz had gotten out of her seat. She pushed past some of the people in the class and headed out of the door. Amity was already waiting there in the usual spot, looking at the people around her. Luz put her hood down and gave Amity a small wave, she didn't think she needed it anymore. Amity said 'hi' back and smiled. Luz looked behind her, trying to look for Kali. She didn't know why she was, but she knew that Kali would try to pull something. She spotted her at the end of the hallway, staring lasers into her skull. Luz didn't mind it this time though, instead, she gave Kali a little wink and a smirk. She saw the appalled look on her face as she did that, turning away and facing her friends again. Luz chuckled and looked back towards Amity, seeing her eyebrows bunched together in confusion.

"What was that about?" She asked as they started walking. Luz held her head up high, "Kali's a wuss," Is all Luz said to answer her. Amity didn't push any further, she just shrugged her shoulders and continued walking. As they walked into their 2nd period, they took their usual seats next to each other. People continued to look at Luz, but she didn't mind them. They had set their stuff down and got prepared for the class, making meaningless conversation afterward. This class was just like any other day, Luz and Amity joked around a bit but got their work done. The bell had rung in their ears and they had left together, looking for Boscha to go to 3rd period. After looking around for a while, they couldn't find her. Luz and Amity looked at each other, concern written all over their face. Boscha usually meets up with them every day, so they wondered what could have happened.

"She's probably there already," Luz said. Amity looked around her once more before nodding. They continued walking to the class and walked in. Their worries turned into a feeling of relief as they saw their pink-haired friend sitting in the usual seat. Amity let out a sigh and walked over to her, smacking her upside the head. "What the heck! I was worried about you," Amity exclaimed quietly. Boscha rubbed the back of her head, "Jeez sorry, I just wanted to get out of that hallway," She said. "Why didn't you just wait for us?" Luz asked, setting her stuff down. Boscha looked over at Amity, almost as if she was worried about something. "People were just being super loud and annoying, kinda got sick of it," She said with an awkward chuckle. Luz knew something was up with her, but she didn't want to bug her about it.

The class had gone on like normal. Boscha would make a joke and Amity would hit her upside the head, Luz was surprised Boscha didn't have a concussion from all the times she had done that. Although today, Boscha seemed a little more on edge and she kept on looking over at Luz. She had caught her looking a couple of times, but Boscha would just turn away quickly and go back to taking notes. Even though Luz knew something was wrong, she didn't ask her about it. Clearly, she wanted to keep it to herself. When the class had ended, Boscha and Amity quickly got out of their seats. Before Luz could even closer her backpack, she felt someone pull her away from her desk. She looked up to see Amity holding her by her wrists and dragging her out of the classroom. Luz couldn't help but feel confused about why they were in such a rush.

"Guys, slow down," Sha had said, but they paid no attention to her. Amity continued walking with her hand clasped around Luz wrist. Even though Luz did like the contact, she shook it off and continued walking with her. They walked into the cafeteria, but instead of going in the lunch line like usual, Amity continued pulling Luz. This made Luz wonder what was going on, but she wanted to see where they would take her. Some people shot glares at Luz and gave her disgusted looks, she rolled her eyes and continued walking. To Luz's surprise, the 3 had walked out of the cafeteria and to the back doors of the school. Amity or Boscha hadn't said a single word to her the whole way. Luz could see that they were headed towards the softball fields where they would practice.

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