Chapter 8

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Miles was excited and scared at the same time. Excited because he gets to meet the Avengers, but scared for the same reason. What if he embarrasses himself? What if Spi.. er Peter...

Oh my God, I met Spider-Man out of his costume! And he told me to call him Peter! Spider-Man's name is Peter! OMFG! What is your LIFE Miles!

Thankfully, Miles' mini-heart attack was interrupted when his phone rang, the man in question calling him. "Be smooth Miles! He's just a guy... No need to freak out about Spi... someone calling you... Be cool!"
With a deep breath, Miles answers the phone and cringes when his voice cracks almost immediately.

"He~ey Peter!" Groaning softly at the chuckle that follows his greeting, Miles just wishes for God to take him now.

"Hey man, I have a meeting at school at 9 and then I thought we could meet up near SI and get a coffee or something before we head to the tower... If you still want me to help... get you a suit, that is..."

"Oh! Yes! Definitely!" Miles almost yells into the phone, grimacing before adding in a whisper. "Sorry."

"Yes, please. I still want the suit and help with my powers if you are still willing..." He mutters, settling back against the headboard and keeping an ear out for Ganke.

Peter chuckles again. The sound soothing some of Miles' lingering panic.

It's almost half an hour later and with no sign of Miles' roommate, by the time that Peter has managed to distract Miles, calming him. The kid "I'm barely half a year younger than you Peter." letting down his guard and sassing Pete back when he throws teasing comments at him.

Miles nearly shrieks into the receiver at the information Peter just dropped on him.
"You're actually telling me that I could sorta Vampire someone into being a Spider-person?"

"What?" Miles' voice goes higher as he mutters to himself. "What is my life?"
"Wait... H-how did you figure that out?"

"Weeeell," Peter draws out, "Really it was because my friend Johnny and I were wondering if my mutation would pass if a vampire bit me.

"Shit! Vampires are real!?" "Yes, but that's not the point of the story, Miles." "Oh sorry!" "Don't worry, we'll come back to that sometime if you want." "Cool! Coolcoolcool." Cool...

"That's when his older brother, who's a scientist, jumped in and said that I might've been able to pass it on back in my younger Spidey days... but my DNA has settled since then. Seeing as we're kind of in the same situation, though, I thought I would pass on the warning..." Miles can almost feel Peter raise an eyebrow as he teases, "try not to go around biting criminals, ok?"

Peter, being the FANTASTIC mentor that he knows he is going to be, grins and tells Miles that he has to go get ready for his meeting and cuts him off before he can ask any questions. With an overly cheerful "See you soon!" he's gone.

Peter texts Aunt May and MJ as he's walking up to the college campus, about to go meet with his advisor.

Nerd-man: "Hey girls, just wanted to remind you that the party starts at 5, is catered, and that I'm sneaking my friend Miles in early to try and get him fitted for a suit..."

Spider-Aunt: "So we're meeting you there, right? Will Tony's AI let us up or are you coming down to get us?"

He finishes setting up everything with the others just as he reaches the advisor's office, puts his phone away and enters with a smile.

Miles and Peter meet up at the coffee shop and very soon after, they make their way over to the Tower. With Peter's security clearance as well as the impending party, they manage to reach Peter's lab with no hiccups and by the time that MJ texts him that they have arrived, Miles has a suit... Because of the time limit they were working under it is still in Peter's default colors of red and blue, but he assures Miles that they can change that soon. It works out better this way anyway, no-one will bat an eye when Spider-Man shows up to the party, after all.

Peter has just enough time to throw on his own costume, run down to pick up May and MJ and then take them all up to the common floor where the caterers are just finishing their setup.

A few other early guests mill about, taking in the decorations and idly chatting with one another when they arrive.

Peter sighs a little in relief, sinking into one of the couches. All they have to do now is to make it through a party and then go home. What could possibly go wrong?

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