Chapter 1

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"So. What's up with this Spiderguy anyway?" Nat flops down next to Tony, flinging her legs onto the paperwork he's got arranged in his lap and throwing him a cheeky smile when he gives her a Look.

Tony gives in first, rolling his eyes and leaning back, he pulls off his glasses and cleans them. "What do you mean, Romanoff?"

Nat grins, shrugging and settling in further, "Well I mean, we basically know nothing about the guy." A quick flick of the wrist indicating the rest of the Team sprawling around the common room they've all been settled in for most of the morning. Natasha turns back to Tony and tips her head, "You know more about him than anyone here, right? You did bring him with you to Germany, after all."

Tony winces at the reminder of the dramatic fight they were all sort of still getting over. It has been a tough few months but, thankfully, in the end everyone managed to act like adults, and they had worked out their issues without any lasting repercussions, politically... Personally, though, there has still been a bit of stuff to work through.

Pressing his fingertips against the bridge of his nose, rubbing softly, stalling. "Actually... No... I know he's a good guy, but outside of the things I've found on YouTube, he plays everything pretty close to the vest... I do know someone who knows more about the Spiderling..."

Tony raises his eyes to the Team, thinking hard... A few minutes later he wilts slightly into the couch, letting his head fall back in defeat. "And I guess it's time I introduced you to him anyway..." He says with a shrug. Raising his voice, he sounds more like his usual self as he calls, "FRIDAY? Is Pete here?"

The warm Irish burr answers, "Yes Boss, Peter is currently pacing in the lower labs, working on schematics for a Spider-Cycle. Would you like me to ask him to join you?"

Steve breaks in before Tony has a chance to answer. "Wait, wait, wait... Are you telling me, that YOU, Tony Stark, don't know who Spider-Man is? But you brought him to a fight?"

Tony groans and facepalms, the response coming out a little muffled. "Don't worry Steve. I promise you this guy is ok." He waves off Cap's concern. "It'll be fine."

Addressing F.R.I.D.A.Y. again, Tony flops his hand towards the ceiling, "Fri, can you get the Kid up here."

Steve, Clint, and Nat stare wide-eyed at their Teammate, startled that he would trust someone he doesn't know absolutely everything about. Sam seems slightly less affected, though he seems to realize something is off about the situation.

Clint breaks the uncomfortable silence, frowning as he turns to Nat and Tony, he whispers. "...Why would Spider-Man need a motorcycle?"

Tony had floated the idea past Pete two days prior and was still chuckling to himself at the intern's reaction.

"...You want to introduce me to the AVENGERS?!" At the end, it comes out as a horrible squeak, and Peter's face reddens as Tony laughs, not unkindly. Peter squints a little, suddenly suspicious, "Why?"

"Kid! You are brilliant, and they will love you," Tony shrugs guilelessly, "Why not, you're here all the time anyway."

Peter huffs and glances back down at his workstation in Tony's (and let's face it, he might as well admit it is his, too) lab. Tony is right, he has been here more often, lately, than at home. Fiddling a little, he nervously adjusts some of the tools and components he's been working with before looking back up at Tony. Thoughts flying through his head, he shrugs, completely serious he meets Tony's eye. "You're sure you want to do this?"

Tony looks concerned for a beat, before Peter's face splits into a teasing grin. "I could tell them so many stories about you," he teases, wiggling his eyebrow mockingly.

Peter Parker: InternWhere stories live. Discover now