Chapter 4

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Spider-Man lands on top of the bank and settles into the slope of the rooftop, eyeing the street below. A soft sigh escapes him and he turns slightly, raising his mask above his nose, a warm and welcoming smile crossing his face at the man who steps out of the shadows nearby.

"Hey, Kid." Nick Fury scoffs, "I thought I'd managed to sneak up on you that time..."

Peter laughs and shakes his head, leaning his back against the dormer he had first nestled into, "Keep trying, Old Man." Peter chuckles. "You may get the drop on me, eventually." Peter grins and pulls his mask free, winking cheekily.

Peter and Fury sit comfortably on another rooftop, an almost picnic-like air about their surroundings as they trade stories back and forth, catching up. When suddenly, Peter interrupts himself, perking up as if he's listening. Barely a second later he jumps up with a whispered curse. Turning his head slightly, he zeroes in on the familiar sound of Iron Man approaching, pointing towards Avenger's Tower to clue Nick in on what is happening.

Nick is pulled to his feet and raises an eyebrow at Peter as he quickly swipes up food wrappers and shoves them in the pockets of Fury's jacket.

"Sorry, Nick! I'd stash these elsewhere but I don't exactly wear cargo pants!" with a final glance around to make sure there isn't anything left lying about to give him away, he turns back to Fury's confusion with a shrug and another cheeky grin.

Pete's smile morphs into a smirk before, with a quick wink, he pulls his mask back in place. "Play along... This is going to be so funny!"

Peter adjusts his stance, making sure he is in the perfect position. He needs to look closed off and aggressive, but breaks character almost instantly to lean in and hiss out a quiet, "Wait, I meant to ask, will we see you at dinner Friday? May has been bugging me to get you to come visit, and I still have to introduce you to M.J.."

Nick huffs out a quiet laugh and nods, "I'll be there, just... Don't let May cook. I swear, it took a week before I was able to taste anything after the last time."

Peter chuckles and then squares up again, raising the envelope that Nick had brought him when they had met up earlier in the evening.

By the time Tony arrives on the scene, Fury has his arms folded and is glaring at the young hero.

Eyeing the Director and preparing to step in between the two if needed, Tony hovers awkwardly as the argument "continues."

"No, Fury! I've told you!" Peter shouts. "You don't control where I go and what I do! I may work with the Avengers when needed, but SHIELD doesn't own me!" Peter quickly ends the show, firmly pushing the info packet against Nick's chest and with a soft push, he snarls "You know exactly where you can shove your 'Mission Briefs!'"

Nick grips the files and scowls at his Godson as he flips angrily off the edge of the building. Trying not to laugh at the look on Tony's face as he finally steps carefully down onto the rooftop, Nick stalks over to Stark and wonders exactly what Peter's game is.
Whatever it is, Nick is fully prepared to sit back and enjoy the chaos.

When Peter gets home after finishing his patrol, he checks his desk. Not surprised to find the envelope from Nick along with a small sticky note attached. "I hope you plan on explaining what that was about on Friday."

Peter flips the note over, catching sight of another message on the back, "P.S. Have your fun, but don't break the Team, ok Kid?"

Stumbling over the sill, Peter throws a hand out to the top bunk of the bed he's had since he was thirteen. He only barely catches himself before he lands face first into the thin rug. Sticking his hand to the wall and glancing up at the open doorway, Peter smiles weakly at the two women standing there.

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