Chapter 11

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Thor was confused.

Last he remembered, he was clinging to the Spider's leg and now he's surrounded by darkness. He called out, hoping to figure out if he was alone. A moment later he squeaks and wriggles in fear as long delicate fingers wrap themselves around his body, his legs dangling limply in the air behind him.

"Shh, brother, calm yourself. It will all be over soon enough, the tricks and the treats both."

A faint glow surrounds the hand not holding him up, and Thor ribbits an objection, scrabbling his feet against Loki's fist. His brother grins cheekily and allows Thor to climb atop his open palm, where he can survey his surroundings better.

They look to be in a closet full of cleaning supplies, and Thor can tell from the noise beyond the door that they must be still on the same floor the party had been taking place.

Thor nearly fell from Loki's hand when a feminine voice pipes up from behind his brother.

Loki steadied him before he could take a terrible fall and turns to reveal a couple of women hiding with them, one around the Spider's age and the other looking closer to Stark's.

"Hey, Lo, how long have you been back?" The elder asks with a warm smile, that Loki returns genuinely.

When she moves to give the trickster a hug, the younger quickly takes Thor and studies him, face unreadable, until she gives him a small smile that scares him almost as much as Loki at his worst... "God of Thunder, eh?"

Thor hunkers down as her free hand raises only to boop him lightly on the head. "Nice to meet you." Thor pouts a little as all three of them laugh at him and he gives a little grumbling croak.

Peter frowns, peering over the top of the bar, only to come face to cowl with Batman once again as Wade clambers over the counter and falls on top of him with a grunt.

"Why'd you leave the party, Boo?" Peter pushes the heavy lump off of him and onto the floor, shaking his head when the merc sits up and settles himself against the bar between him and Miles. Wade's cowl has come off and is hanging behind his head like a hood.

It is clear, now, that the mask he's been wearing underneath is one of those super realistic looking ones based on the actor from the '97 Batman and Robin movie... "Which does explain why his outfit has nipples, I guess..."

Peter groans softly at the intrusive thought and reorients himself.

Once again, he attempts to peer over the bar to gauge what needs to be done and finds little has actually changed. Other other Spider-Man seems to be playing with Cap more than anything, while the fake Iron Man is now going up against the real deal, and the spies are keeping the zombie away from the others with little trouble at all.

Taking advantage of their distraction, Peter slouches out of hiding and sneaks a little closer to Clint and Nat. Making sure his shot is clear so he won't accidently catch either of his friends with his webbing, he fires, then leaps over toward the other Spider. Knocking him backward with a kick to the chest, he grins to himself as the "hero" crashes into "Iron Man" and they both tumble to the floor, where he webs them together.

Standing up, Peter barely has a second before Fury surprises everyone, slamming into the room and showing actual concern on his face. He strides into the room and hugs Peter barely pausing to make certain the threat has been cleared.

Tony's jaw drops and his is not the only look of surprise, though Nat really only raises an eyebrow at the display.

Peter grins at Fury and hugs him back tightly, before turning and suppressing a giggle at the faces before them.

"Hey Grumps! Now that you've had your fun are you gonna come out and say 'hi'?"

Thor loudly exits the same closet the 'zombie' had come from earlier and eagerly paces across the floor sweeping Peter into a hug as his disguise melts away and Loki swings him around in a bear hug. "I've missed you, Kid!"

Peter laughs and hugs him back tightly, waving Fury over, who rolls his eye and joins in the hug, obviously not as averse to it as he seems.

Sam jerks forward in the chair where he collapsed after the fight, "Wait!? You guys know each other? How? What?"

Tony chimes in and interrupts Sam's breakdown with, "Wait... Who won the bet?"

Nick gives the Avengers a dead-eyed stare, holding Loki and Peter close, an arm over both of their shoulders and replies squeezing them both in a slight hug to let them in on the joke.

"Wouldn't you like to know... Weather Boy."

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