Chapter 18: True Love Prevails Once Again!

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Chapter 18: True Love Prevails Once Again!

*Willow's/Anastasia's POV*

I waited a couple of seconds, expecting to be hit by Fairy Godmothers magic, but nothing happened. "No!"

I opened my eyes to see uncle Harold took the hit instead and fell to the ground. "Uncle Harold!"

The magic bounced off his armour and was sent back to Fairy Godmother and hit her, sending her flying back.

She looked down at herself and lifted her wand up again, thinking nothing was going to happen, until she suddenly turned into bubbles in mid-air with only her wand and glasses left of her.

Fiona gasped and walked over to uncle Harold, or at least what was left of him. All that was in place of the King of Far, Far, Away was his clothing and armour.

Fiona knelt down and hugged the armour and started crying. "Oh, dad." Shrek brought her into a hug and aunt Lillian knelt down, looking at the armour sadly.

I walked over to Fiona, Shrek, and aunt Lillian with Alice and Zero after Zero had placed his sword back in its sheath.

Alice sobbed in Zero's arms while I knelt down beside aunt Lillian. She brought me into a hug and we both cried together, thinking the worst.

"Is he?..." Pinocchio asked slowly.

Gingy looked down sadly. "Yep." All of a sudden, we heard a croaking sound coming from underneath uncle Harold's armour. "He croaked."

I looked at aunt Lillian and Fiona confused. "Is that..."

I took a pause when a frog climbed out from underneath the armour that kind of looks like a frog version of uncle Harold. "Uncle Harold?" I let go of aunt Lillian so she could take a look for herself.

"Harold?" Aunt Lillian asked, unsure.

"Dad?" Fiona asked.

Uncle Harold sighed and looked away in shame. "I'd hoped you'd never see me like this."

"Yeah, and he gave you a hard time!"

"Donkey!" Shrek and Zero yelled at the same time.

Uncle Harold shook his head. "No, no, he's right." He turned around and sighed when he faced Shrek and Fiona. "I'm sorry. To both of you. I only wanted what was best for Fiona. But I can see now, she already has it."

"He feels sad." Everyone turned to Alice, who looked back at them confused. "What? Did you guys forget I can communicate with animals and feel their emotions?"

I stood up and walked over to Alice and leaned my head on her shoulder, watching the interaction between father, daughter, and son-in-law. "You know, I'm actually kinda jealous of them, but at the same time, I'm also happy for them."

Alice wrapped an arm round my waist and leaned her head on mine. "You'll get the chance to have that relationship with uncle Derek, don't worry. All we got to do now is hook you up with someone before your 18th birthday, break the spell on Swan Lake, and you get your happily ever after."

I sighed. "It's not as simple as that, Alice. I mean, look at you, you've already got someone you love, and he's literally standing right next to you-Oh...oh damn..." I backed away a little when I noticed Alice went quiet and her face was bright red. Zero's face was also bright red, too.

I rubbed the back of my neck and started laughing nervously. "...You haven't told him yet, have you?"

"Alice?" Zero asked.

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