Chapter 27

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If underlined it means they're talking through a mind link
Kass POV-

I barged through the doors making them slam against the walls, all of the doctors started surrounding me, grabbing Olivia out of my arms and putting her on a stretcher, I ended up collapsing into the chair next to me from putting so much pressure on my injury, but that's not what I cared about, all I was focused on was Olivia.

I watched as they covered her wounds with large cloths to help slow down the bleeding, although I could tell it wasn't doing much as she was still losing so much blood. Once they had everything in place they rushed her through the white doors and into the OR.

One of them came towards me and stood not saying anything, atleast I thought he wasn't until he cleared his throat making me look up at him apologetically. "Please can I take a look at your leg, we don't want it getting infected or anything," he asked me politely. I just nodded not caring what happened to me in this moment.

He then proceeded to clean around the hash removing as much blood as he could and then put some sort of antibiotic over the gash, it stung a little but nothing I couldn't handle. "This part might hurt a little I have to sew up the cut," he told me, I just nodded and motioned him to continue.

He was done after 15 minutes, I didn't even notice that he had left until I looked towards my leg and saw no one, I was too busy thinking about Olivia.

I was waiting for hours until I saw one of the doctors coming towards me, I stood up immediately and asked, "how is she, is she okay?"

He looked at me with sympathy in his eyes, "we managed to stop all the bleeding and sewed it all up, but during the operation she stopped breathing for quite a while, we managed to get her back but she went into a coma and we think it's to help her body heal, we don't know what she will be like when she wakes up because of the lack of oxygen to her brain, it could've caused a variety of different neurological problems like loss of speech and blindness and some other things."

I couldn't stop the tears from leaving my eyes from the news, I knew I shouldn't of let her fight, I know she's capable but I didn't want something like this to happen. I thanked the doctor and asked if I could go see her and he walked me to her room.

He left me when we got there I managed to stop my tears, I wanted to be strong for her, I went and took a seat next to her taking her hand in mine. "Hi baby, I know you probably can't hear me right now but that's okay I just want to talk to you, I hope you get better soon and can wake up for everyone, I miss you so much and you haven't even been gone for that long, I don't know how I'd be able to survive without you when I already miss you this much. I wanted to tell you I love you, I wish it was under better circumstances but I just had to let you know. I've loved you for as long as you can remember, I know I told you I liked you but it was so much more than that, please baby just wake up for me so I can tell you it in person and see your reaction, I just want you to be okay."

As I finished talking all I heard was a long beep, I knew what was happening and my theory was correct when I saw the pack nurses running towards us.

'This can't be happening we've only just found her you have to do something," Azaria shouted at me, worry laced in her voice, but she was no where near as worried as me. "There's nothing I can do I'm not a doctor I don't know shit about this," I shouted back at her, my anger coming out slightly, I can't loose the person I've loved for ages after I've just got her.

By now I could feel the tears coming from my face. I snapped out of my own world when I felt myself being shoved away from her. "I'm sorry princess but you can't be in here now you have to go and wait," one of the doctors told me, I believe her name is Georgie. I just shook my head not having the energy to argue and waited, hoping I'd get her back, but I don't know if my hope is enough.

AN- please don't come for me if any medical thing I say isn't correct in this or any future chapter, i dont know about that sort of thing.

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