Chapter 18

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Olivia POV-

I'm not sure how long it's been since the day I rejected Chasity, but I know it's been a while, all I've been doing is spending time at home playing games and talking with my parents when they're not at work. I know what I did is going around school because many people witnessed it and I didn't want to be the centre of attention.

I've been playing a lot of fortnite, I know who plays fortnite anymore, I haven't played it in like a year, but thought I'd go back and have a try, I'm like really bad, but practice makes perfect doesn't it? Not for me I've been playing everyday for about a week, I think, and I haven't gotten any better, I get one kill them I die, it's like it's repeating the same thing over and over. I've also been playing gta v, I really like just racing against people, although I don't win it's just an enjoyable thing to do, especially when I'm able to blow them up, that's something I am actually good at.

"Hey Liv when are you going back to school?" My mum asked me, bringing me out of my own head, "I dont know next week, I just want a little time before going back so maybe my situation won't be talked about as much." "Okay well seen as you're not doing anything productive do you wanna go do something with me?" She asked me. "Depends what you wanna do," I responded. She looked like she was in thought for a minute before she said, "do you wanna go play airsoft?" She is very good at it for some reason, and always beats me if we're against each other, and I wouldn't say I'm bad, I'm actually pretty good, but it's always fun so what's the harm in going to do it. "Yeah I'd love to do that with you mum, just let me go get ready for it," I said and she just nodded her head in response.

Once I was ready to go I went downstairs and saw my mum in nearly full camouflage, did I forget that she is very competitive, and takes games, such as airsoft very very verrrry seriously. I just shook my head and headed to the car, getting there before my mum so I can choose my own music and not listen to her old crap and have to hear her singing the whole way there, trust me it's not something you wanna be condemned to, I decided to play a mix of Lewis Capaldi and Billie Eilish, they're really good and I like their music. When my mum got in the car she just shook her head because she has to listen to this whenever I have my music on, but can you blame me there good songs.

It didn't take us long to get there maybe 20 minutes, my mum paid for us and for our gear, after this we went to go get our guns set up, and put out gear on, so we're less likely to get hurt, it's a requirement but airsoft doesn't hurt werewolves, it literally feels like your being Flicked.

Once everyone had their gear on and ready the ref explained the rules and the game mode we were playing so anyone who was new to the game wouldn't get confused, me and mum were on the blue team with about 3 other people and the red team had around 6 people on. When we were all in our spawns and ready to play, we waited for the ref to blow his whistle to signal the start of the game.

About a minute later I heard a whistle in the distance, alerting me the game had started, so I ran to the right so I could try flank them, I'm rather speedy so I can get into position quite quickly so that they wouldn't be expecting it, I also know the layout of the area rather well because I've played a decent amount at this field, so I know the perfect place to go that they wouldn't see me if they passed.

It only took around a minute for me to get into place, I was crouched behind a large bush and a tree, so even if they could see me it would be hard to shoot me from the defence in front of me. As I suspected I saw 2 of them coming my way, I made sure to stay rather still so they wouldn't be alerted of my position, as they passed me I brought my gun to my shoulder and aimed, I shot 4 times, all of them hitting their targets, they raised their hands and yelled hit, and started making their way back to their spawn now their out.

I decided to move and go further into their spawn so I could get behind them, this is because they probably wouldn't be sitting in spawn anymore as the game has been going for a couple of minutes now so they've had time to move. As I passed their spawn I noticed there were 4 of their them there, meaning there were 2 more alive, hopefully I could get them. I ran to the small abandoned building in the middle of their side, when I got there I looked through the small gaps in the walls hoping to spot someone. After being there a couple of minutes and looking in multiple direction I saw some movement behind a fallen tree, I didn't know what it was so I looked through my scope, it was an enemy so I shot twice, obviously both shots hit him where I wanted, as soon as they came in contact he flinched but didn't yell hit or raise his hand, so I shot again, once or twice, what am I kidding I shot about 10 times, I may have aimed a couple at his 'precious jewels', he shouldn't have cheated, as soon as they hit him he yelled hit and curled over and I just smirked to myself, that's what he gets.

I waited for a couple more minutes in the building waiting to see if I could spot the last person, but I couldn't see anyone, I hear shots on the background and after a minute the whistle had rung again signalling that it's the end of the game and I should go to my spawn. When I got there I spotted my mum and went to her, "so how many did you get?" I asked her, wanting to know if I got more than her. "I only got 2," she answered seemingly disappointed in herself, "You?" She asked me so I responded saying, "I got 3, one of them didn't acknowledge I hit them so I shot them about 10 more times and aimed at his jr, which made him yell hit straight away." She just laughed at that and told me good job while I grinned at my accomplishment, this is the most fun I've had in a while and I'm glad she asked me to come out with her, it did a good job at distracting me from the current problems that are happening in my life.

AN- this is just a filler chapter, I wasn't exactly sure what to add so I thought I'd just write her spending time with her mum, it was meant to be short but I may have gotten a little carried away and wrote over 1k words.

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