Chapter 28

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If underlined it means they're talking through a mind link

Olivia POV-

"Hi baby, I know you probably can't hear me right now but that's okay I just want to talk to you, I hope you get better soon and can wake up for everyone, I miss you so much and you haven't even been gone for that long, I don't know how I'd be able to survive without you when I already miss you this much. I wanted to tell you I love you, I wish it was under better circumstances but I just had to let you know. I've loved you for as long as you can remember, I know I told you I liked you but it was so much more than that, please baby just wake up for me so I can tell you it in person and see your reaction, I just want you to be okay." After hearing this I was not able to respond and everything slowly started fading into blackness.

The next thing I remember was a stabbing pain in my head making it hard to do anything , it was as if someone was taking a screwdriver and stabbing my skull over and over again. After a couple of minutes the pain went away slightly, atleast enough for me to begin opening my eyes. I was met with a blinding light making me squint in pain, my hand was occupied with something but I'm not exactly sure what so I tried to take a good look, what I saw was Kass asleep in a chair with her hand in mine. I tried to say something to wake her up but all that came out was weird noises, as if I was unable to form any words. Ignoring what had just happened I squeezed my hand as hard as I could, hoping it would create some sort of pressure and wake her up, luckily it didn't take much before she was staring at me with a shocked look on her face and her eyes starting to tear up.

Knowing I couldn't talk through the mind link because I was still in a lot of pain I motioned toward the cup of water with a straw in, hoping she'd understand what I mean. She understood immediately and went to get the water, she slowly brought the straw to my lips allowing me to take small sips until I had enough.

"I'm so glad you're okay, I was so worried and I never want to lose you, not having you for a couple of days really put that into perspective for me," she told me, I could tell she was being honest because she can't seem to hide her emotions around me anymore. I just smiled towards her, I guess she wondered why I wasn't talking and started to get worried, I pointed towards my mouth and made a cross with 2 fingers to explain that I couldn't talk, but I guess it wasn't good enough.

She pressed a red button on the wall which set off an alarm, I had no clue what it was until doctors rushed into the room with worried looks on their face, when they saw I was awake they seemed to sigh in relief. After that kass was explaining that I won't talk not knowing that I was actually unable to and that it hadn't been too long since I woke up, after the doctors had heard the explanation of why the button was hit they came over to examine me. They looked into my eyes, my ears and it seemed like nothing was wrong, they didn't know what the actual problem was.

I caught a slight glimpse of a note pad in one of their pockets so I tried to get his attention, it worked and I made a writing motion with my hands showing that I wanted something to write on, he took the pad out of his pocket and put it on the side with a pen so I could write.

'I can't talk, i dont know what happened but I just can't seem to form any words'

He looked at the notepad and then looked at me with sympathy, he asked if he could take a look in my throat and I allowed him too. After a quick examination he said that everything seemed fine and healthy, so they decided that they have to take me up for a MRI to see if it's something to do with my brain, and also explained that I stopped breathing during surgery which caused a lack of oxygen to my brain which could be the source of the problem.

Kass POV-

I was sat in Olivias room waiting for them to come back with the results, hoping they'd have a reason why she couldn't talk, or a way to solve it. They'd been gone for over half an hour and I was starting to worry. "What if something happened, you have to go make sure she's okay" Azaria told me, "She's with a group of doctors that will take good care of her she'll be fine, they're probably just taking Alex tea care with her seen as she is out mate" I responded hopefully making her feel better, but I'm not quite sure it worked because within 10 seconds she was saying something again. "But what if something actually happened and your just sat here doing nothing, our mate could be in trouble" I just sighed and shook my head blocking off the connection I have with her for a bit, I didn't want her clouding my mind with doubts.

A couple of minutes later the door opened and Olivia was pushed into the room in a wheelchair, I got up and lifted her onto the bed making sure to cause as little pain as possible. Once she was settled and comfy I sat back down in my chair cupping her hand in mine, making her look at me with a smile on her face.

I turned to the doctor and he started talking, "from the scans we got it seems like the part of the brain which controls communication was damaged when you were unresponsive resulting in inability to speak, sadly there's is nothing we can do to help and it might not heal on its own, there's only a 10% chance that it will come back overtime, but we're not too hopeful due the the extent of damage."

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