Chapter 10

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If underlined it means they're talking through a mind link
Kass POV-

"Hey kass there's been some rogues spotted by the South border, not too many though, it looks like their scouting out or something" I heard Jason say through the mind link, Jason is one of the best warriors and helps securing the border from any looming attacks or lone wolves.

"Okay I'll go have a look" I answered back and went outside to shift into my wolf. My wolf was rather large as I'm a royal wolf, she is brown with black speckles on and a white ring around my front right ankle.

I set off running to the South border hiding my scent so no rogues would know I was even there. It didn't take me long to get there but when I did I stopped next to a tree far enough away so I wouldn't be spotted by anyone, there was maybe 4 or 5 rogues, not enough to overpower me if it comes to it.

I was watching them for about 5 minutes to see if they should be perceived as a threat, which ultimately I decided they should be because it looked like they were trying to find good ways to attack, not that it'd be a threat to us unless there was a lot, and I mean a lot, more of them. While watching them I must've stepped on a twig alerting them to my presence, making them bolt away from me and to the edge of the border, as I was just about to catch them they had got onto other territory, although I may be a royal it's still simple curtesy to ask the alpha to be on their land, which I wasn't able to do in time before I had lost them.

I decided I needed to tell my parents and the other warriors of the pack so I told them in the open pack link, "The rogues looked like they were scouting for an attack and finding the best possible ways to do it, they managed to get out of the territory before I could get them so they got away, we should double the border security just in case they come back." They all agreed with me and decided that it would be the best choice to keep the pack safe, but this didn't stop me from feeling like a failure for letting them get away, and possibly allowing them to have a chance at an attack, which can end up hurting the pack members.

AN- I know this is short but it's just introducing kass in the the story better and the sort of things she does for the pack.

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