Chapter 21

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If underlined it means they're talking through a mind link
Kass POV-

When we got to the house we went straight up to my room avoiding anyone that was home, I didn't want to explain it just yet. We decided on watching a movie to pass the time, plus that means I get cuddles, and I'm gonna love cuddles from her, i can tell it make me feel really happy.

She jumped on my bed and asked, "so what are we watching?" I wasn't quite sure what so I had a quick look on Netflix until I found something that looked interesting and I assume she'd like, "wanna watch 50 first dates?" She just nodded her head and cuddled into me a little closer making me wrap my arms around her more securely, making sure she couldn't leave.

I wasn't really watching the movie, I was watching her she looked so cute, especially when her nose scrunched up at parts of the movie, like when they were talking about fishy fingers, if you haven't seen the movie that may sound a little odd to you. Probably about half way through the movie I could see her struggling to keep her eyes open, she must be exhausted from all the things she's been going through recently.

"You can sleep I'll pause the movie for a bit and we can continue after" I told her, "are you sure, I can stay awake until the end." I just shook my head, paused the movie and went and got a blanket to put over us so she would be comfier. "Take a nap I'll be here when you wake up," I to,d her giving her a soft kiss on the forehead, she just hummed and curled closer to me resting her head on my chest, letting herself drift off to sleep.

It felt really nice to just hold her while she sleeping peacefully, I was so content and felt like I could do this my whole life, and hopefully I'd get to do it for a long time. I just love the feeling of having someone I can spend my whole life with and honestly I'm glad it's someone I had liked for a long time, even if it happened after she had to reject someone. After a couple minutes I felt so comfortable I started to fall asleep myself.

I slowly started to open my eyes to someone poking my cheek while giggling, I looked down and saw her smiling and being all happy, so I went to bite her finger playfully, which caused her to squeal and pull her hand away, making me laugh at her reaction. "Why did you wake me up, it was nice and peaceful when I was sleeping," I told her pouting playfully. This caused her to flick my nose and say," I wanted to continue watching the movie with you, plays you were snoring quite a bit." I gasped, "I don't snore, you liar." She just laughed and nodded her head saying to me, to which I just grunted and started playing the movie again.

As the movie was ending I felt someone trying to contact me through the mind linked so I opened it and let them speak.

"Hey Kass we've got a letter from a rogue pack declaring war on us, they'd believe we're fit to be a royal pack, apparently there is a lot of them, at least that's what they imply in the letter, we need you to come think of a plan and see if you can spot anything in the letter" I heard through the mindlink, it was my dad this time so it means it's a serious threat. "Okay, give me a couple minutes and I'll be down" I responded.

I turned to Olivia and told her, "Hey there's been a serious threat to the pack, so I have to go for a little bit, will you be okay in your own here, you can watch anything you want while I'm gone."

"Yeah I'll be fine, go it sounds important," she told me rushing me out of the room, I'm really glad she's understanding, this is the first time we're spending time as mates and I have to ditch her for a little, some people would probably get mad at that, I'm happy she isn't like that.

I went into the planning room assuming they were in there, which they were and got handed the letter, it read:

We are the Shadow Pack
We're a large pack of rogues
We don't think you or your successor are adequate to be royals
Which is why I Alpha of the Shadow Pack declare war on you
You won't even see us coming
Apparently you saw some of my scouts a while back
But your incompetent 'Princess' lost them
This is another reason you shouldn't be royals
You're unable to stop us
You should expect us very soon
I can't wait to meet you 'king'

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