The Meeting

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"Take me to meet Todd." Brandi said to Leslie.

"Wait. Bran how can you keep asking me to put myself in these situations and knowing that you are in deep shit with all the adults? You gonna get me fucked up." Leslie said.

"Oh now you scared? Bitch don't play with me. You the reason I'm in this shit now. All I need you to do is drop me at this spot. And I'll get my own way home. Now don't talk back to me. Cause I really should shoot your ass for this. But I will let that shit slide." Brandi said getting loud with Leslie.

"Wow you would shoot me?" Leslie asked to her.

"In a heartbreak for betrayal. You out of all people know how I feel about that. Stop talking and dive man damn." Brandi said as she texted Todd.

A few minutes later Brandi cell started ringing. She looked at the caller ID and realized it was her dad calling her. Brandi rolled her eyes and put the phone back down. The phone started ringing again. This time Brandi silenced him.

She already knew what her dad wanted and she was not in the mood. She was not going home no time soon. And she didn't care how he felt about it. She had to take care of business with Todd about this Lil Murda character and her trap house. As Leslie drove Brandi continued to text in her phone.

Leslie looked at her and opened her mouth to say something. Brandi stopped her before she even got it out.

"Aht aht. Don't ask me a mutha fucking thing. When I feel like updating your ass I will. Pull over right here and let me out. And by the way if someone asked where I went, tell them I went to eat, and I'll catch a Uber home. Got it?" Brandi asked.

Leslie nodded her head and looked forward. She didn't want to make Brandi no angrier than she already was. As Brandi grabbed her things to get out the car she looked back at Leslie.

"Go by the trap and check on things. Call me and give me a update." Brandi said.

"I got it." Leslie said.

"Looking for that call. And don't screw this up about where I am." Brandi said stern.

"I got you Bran. I didn't betray you contrary to what you think." Leslie said.

"I'll see Les. Now go." Brandi said closing the door and walking to Todd's car.

Leslie pulled off and Brandi hurried to the car and opened the door and got in with Todd.

"You ready for this?" Brandi asked time she got in car.

"Yeah just as ready as you. I got some backup sitting around so if some shit go down we covered." Todd said.

"Good. Cause if I feel that this shit was gonna be easy sailing I would have came by myself. But that is not the case. I called some peps too. So we good." Brandi said.

"Alright. He suppose to be pulling up any time now. He's driving a BMW. Black." Todd said as he looked around.

"Ok. We can wait a few minutes and wait before we get out. And you sure this is who they said hit my shit?" Brandi asked.

"I'm positive. Word on the streets is he has been bragging about this too. He really don't know who you are and what you can do. He's a bold nigga. I'll tell you that." Todd said.

"And most definitely is. But this shit will stop. I'm not one to be fucking with." Brandi said pulling her piece out and putting it on her person.

"I see you brought your baby too huh?" Todd said as he geared up too.

"Hell yeah. I don't go nowhere without it." Brandi said.

"Did you get that straight with Les? I'm really shocked that she's not here with you too." Todd asked.

"Nah. I got to look into some shit with her. But I got her checking on the trap and notifying me after she does that." Brandi explained.

"Cool. Cause I been keeping a eye myself. We don't need any more hits." Todd said.

"Agreed. Where this nigga at? I don't got all day and night to wait on him. My dad already tripping." Brandi yelled.

As soon as she said that they saw the car pulling up. But there was two more cars behind it. They knew right off that there was about to be some shit.

They got out the car and walked to the empty park next to them. Todd and Brandi got out and did the same. As they walked Brandi whispered to Todd.

"Let the crew know to come closer. Stay out of the view. But I feel that this shit may go wrong." Brandi said.

"Already on it boss. Are you sure you want to come out here? You can go back to the car and I handle this you know." Todd said to Brandi.

Brandi gave Todd a look out this world.

"Are you fucking crazy? This is my business and it was disrespected and so was I. I would not dare let this bitch get off this easy." Brandi said getting upset.

"I just don't want nothing to happen to you. You know who the hell your father is? If I was to let something happen to you and he find out I'm a dead man." Todd expressed to her.

"You work for me or my daddy? Stop being a bitch and come on." Brandi said walking to meet Lil Murda.

As they walked up to them Brandi made sure she kept her hand close to her gun. If any sudden move pop off she was shooting everything that she could. As they walked to him she stopped and looked up in his eyes.

"You Lil Murda?" Brandi asked without hesitation.

"Who wants to know?" He said back sarcastically.

"Don't get smart mutha fucker. I asked you a question. Are you Lil Murda?" She said to him again without backing down.

"Who the fuck you think you talking to?" Lil Murda said pulling up his shirt to grab his gun.

"Don't get fucked out here. Move your hand away before I pump you full of hot bullets bitch." Brandi said pulling for her gun.

Todd went for his piece as well but Lil
Murda held his hand up.

"Aight aight. We good what you want with me?" He asked Brandi.

"I want to know what the hell was you thinking hitting my shit? Do you know I'll bust your shit all over this grass? Now tell me where my stuff is." Brandi said sounding like her dad.

"And what makes you think if I did hit your shit I would give it back huh? I run a business just like you. And if you too soft to keep your shit in order that's on you." Lil Murda said laughing.

Before she knew it, Brandi pulled her gun and put it to his head.

"Then you don't know me bitch. Where is my shit?" Brandi said with her hand on the trigger.

Everyone pulled their guns on both sides and stared at each other ready for war.

This shit about to get serious!!!!!

What will happen next?????

She don't even suppose to be there!!!!

Comment and vote!!!!!!

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