What Now

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Jade and Valerie sat there waiting for Brandi to say something else. They were shocked that she even told them what was going on. Jade cleared her throat and spoke.

"So umm who is this little boy that has your attention? Are y'all in the same class?" Jade said.

"And do Dave know about this?" Val added.

Brandi sat there for a second before she answered any of their questions. Right as she was about to talk her cell rung. She looked at the caller id to see who it was. It was Leslie.

"Excuse me auntie I got to take this." She said holding her finger up.

Jade looked at Valerie as if they were excused.

"Hello. And this better be good." Brandi said.

"I got a hit on who been hitting us." Leslie said.

"I'm listening." Brandi said waiting to hear who she needed to take care of.

"Word on the street is there is some new cat in town name Lil murder. His family was killed and he taking over their spots." Leslie said.

"And where did you hear this?" Brandi asked.

"One of the workers on third said he ran into one of his boys. He can't hold water so he just running his mouth." Leslie said.

"Ok. I'll see how long daddy gonna be here. As soon as I get home I'll come over to your house." Brandi said sternly.

"Ok let me know." Leslie said and hung up the phone.

The look on Jade and Valerie face told it all.

"What?" Brandi said holding her hand up in the air.

"What's really going on with you? I know that code talk. Are you into something you shouldn't be?" Valerie asked with a concerned look on her face.

"No. Why would you ask that? I told you that was Les." Brandi lied and said.

"Who you think you fooling here? Me and your auntie Jade know that life better than anything. Are you dealing?" Valerie asked standing up.

"What? No. Why would you pick that up cause I was talking to my best friend. She's going through some shit right now and I'm the only one that knows." Brandi lied.

"Ok I understand that she is going through stuff right now but that phone convo doesn't sound like that. We know the code baby. Now what are you really hiding?" Valerie asked Brandi.

"Auntie nothing Damn. Can you just let this go please?" Brandi said getting upset.

"First of all young lady I don't like your tone of voice with me. Refrain from using those words with me. Understand?" Val said to her.

"Yeah I get it. But can you two just leave me alone. I am dealing with a lot right now. And with my sissy going through this I really don't want to talk ok." Brandi said trying to make it seem real.

"Alright. We will leave it alone for now. But this conversation is not over." Valerie said to her.

Jade and Valerie walked back to the house and went inside where the guys was. They joined them and sat next to their husbands.

"So what did she tell you?" Dave said inpatient.

"Well she has a lot going on as a young woman. We didn't get to finish talking to her." Jade said.

"And why the hell not?" Dave asked standing up.

"Dave calm down. She's a teenager. She will go through these stages. You still have to realize she has dealt with a lot." Valerie said.

"The girls are right man. Let's just calm down and take this a little at a time." Ghost said.

"Bullshit. This has to be handled man. I know my daughter. Something ain't right. And I feel it's a boy." Dave said pacing the floor.

"And gives you the idea that it is a boy Dave?" Valerie asked.

Dave gave her a look that would not wait.

"Come the fuck on man. Y'all women and y'all know when a girl is liking some nappy headed little boy. And I know that is what it got to be. Besides her missing her mom and thinking I don't love her anymore." Dave said softly.

"'Man get out your feelings. We all know you love that damn girl. It's just hormones. Trust me. Now with the boy that's possible but other than that what can it be?" Ghost asked.

"I don't know. But she's a good kid. I don't think she is in some kind of trouble." Dave said.

The girls looked at each other and then looked away.

"Is there something we don't know? Why the looks?" Amp asked.

"Oh nothing. We just trying to figure things out." Valerie said quickly.

"Nah I know you. What are you two not saying?" Ghost said.

"Yeah bro something is up. Baby what is it?" Amp asked Jade looking her in the eyes.

Dave looked at them and huffed.

"Bullshit. What is it?" Dave asked.

Jade took a deep breath and looked at the guys.

"I think well we think that baby girl is dealing." Jade said.

The guys all laughed out.

"You got to be kidding right?" Amp said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm afraid not. The conversation we just heard sounded just like the ones y'all use to have when you didn't want us to know you was meeting Dave." Valerie said.

"Can't be. My daughter hated my life. And besides she's not that crazy to put not only herself but us at risk." Dave said.

"Are you so sure about that? Cause I feel she learned from the best." Jade said.

"What did you find out?" Dave asked.

"We didn't get to finish. She shut down on us. We was gonna talk to her later after she calmed down." Valerie said.

"Aye man that do kind of make sense though. You don't think she's.."Ghost said before he was cut off.

"Hell nah. I'll kill her dead if she is doing that shit." Dave said.

What will come out next????

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I will update this book when the reads hit 150.

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