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As they rode to Vic's house the car was silence. Ghost looked over at Dave and then back at Amp. He knew it was gonna be some shit once they get to Vic's house. Vic will most definitely buck at them coming to his house. All the more why they really should have just talked more before going. Ghost didn't want to have to kill Vic. He knows how his niece feels about him but he also knows that Dave ain't playing no kind of games with him either.

"Yo you good man?" Ghost asked trying to break some of the ice.

"Hell no I'm not good. This nigga got my fucking baby pregnant. I can have his black ass locked up for this shit. He kept the trap a secret, the hit a secret, now he wanna come out about this shit! Fuck that!" Dave said raising his voice looking at both Amp and Ghost.

"Man I get that you are mad. I ain't telling you not to be. But bro we going to this man shit. If we end up whooping his ass or worse we gonna go down for this shit. That's all I'm saying." Ghost replied trying to talk some sense to him.

"Man he ain't hearing that shit bruh. Dave got that in his mind to do and he's gonna do that. You already know this bullshit. And to be honest, I want his ass too so I'm down for whatever my nigga." Amp said lighting his blunt throwing his hands up.

"Nigga stop adding heat to the fucking fire. We got to keep this shit low. We are going to this man house. You know the ropes."

"And? Fuck that! He got my niece pregnant. I'm pissed about that shit." Amp said taking another puff.

"I don't give a damn about who house it is. I'm bout to go in there and raise pure hell. Y'all missing the point of this. My daughter ain't but 17. This is is not cool. She's too young for him, this baby, this lifestyle and I'm over the shit. Now drive dammit!" Dave said punching the dashboard.

Ghost didn't say nothing else. He just drove the truck to Vic's house. As they pulled up and cut off, Ghost looked at Dave and took a deep breath.

"Look bruh I'm with you on this. But again I feel you need to let me go in and talk before you..." he said before he was cut off.

"Nigga we ain't baby sitting his ass. We warned him. This is it. I ain't about the shit either. Let's go Dave." Amp said opening the door and getting out to walk to the door.

"Dave come on man.." Ghost said grabbing his arm for it to be snatched.

"Get the fuck off me Ghost. I ain't hearing the bullshit. Either you coming or stay your punk ass in the truck!" Dave said getting out and slamming the truck door.

"Fuck! This is about to be a entire mess." Ghost said getting out the truck and walking behind them.

They walked to the door and without hesitation Dave started beating on the door as if he was the police. They didn't knock long before Vic came to the door.

"Didn't I tell your ass not to come to my shit?" Vic said time he answered the door not backing down from them.

"Nigga I'll kill you dead here. Don't come at me like you bout that life cause you most definitely aren't. Where's my fucking daughter?" Dave said stepping up in Vic's face with a mean mug in his face.

"She don't want to see you. So I suggest you leave my property before this gets ugly."

"Is that a threat bitch?" Amp said stepping up.

"Nah nigga! But it's most definitely a promise." Vic said back.

"Bitch.." Amp said charging after him but Ghost stopped him.

"Nah man! Nah! We ain't about to do this. Look Vic just tell my niece I'm out here and will she please come talk to me." Ghost said trying to break the tension.

"Why should I? These mutha duckers are being disrespectful." Vic said pointing between the two of them.

"Please man. I'll hold them down. We just want to talk.."

"Wait here." Vic said closing the door in their faces.

"Man that's such a bitch ass move. You should've let me beat his ass for real yo. That was disrespectful to my nigga." Amp said to Ghost.

"And again we are on his fucking property. Val will kill my ass I go back to jail. And I think Jade and Amber would too. Y'all got to use common fucking sense damn." Ghost said shaking his head back and forth.

They waited about 5 minutes then the door came open. Brandi was standing in the door way with her arms across her chest with Vic right behind her. She looked at all of them and rolled her eyes.

"What do y'all want? I told you not to come here and I didn't want to talk." Brandi said looking at her dad.

"Girl I will.." Dave said before Ghost cut him off.

"Bran I want to talk. Please let me in. These 2 hot headed asses will stay out the door. Just let me talk to you please. Give me 20 minutes and I will leave." Ghost said putting his hands in the surrendered position.

Brandi stood there for a second and looked at her uncle Lance. "Fine you can come. But only you." Brandi said stressing the fact of just him coming in.

"Hell nah. I'm coming in too. You will not keep disrespecting me as your father." Dave cut in and said trying to walk in.

Ghost put his hands up on his chest and stopped in. "No man. Respect what she says. I got this. Trust me. Let me handle this for you." Ghost said trying to reason with him.

"Fine damn." Dave said coming down some.

"Just go back to the truck. When I'm done I'll come and update you and Amp on everything."

They walked back to the truck and got in slamming the doors. Dave was most definitely pissed with how Brandi was treating him. Amp lit a blunt and took a couple of puffs and passed it to Dave. He took him a few and passed it back.

"This is bullshit man. I cant believe this is happening. What we gonna do Dave?" Amp asked as he passed the blunt to him again.

"Wait I guess." He said kind of sad at how his daughter was treating him.

"We gonna handle this I promise you that. Don't even stress on this." Amp said as he tapped his shoulder for comfort.

"Yeah I hear you." Dave said.

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This is really crazy how she treating her dad.

Dave ain't gonna let up!!!!

What will happen now??!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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