Chapter 3

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"Hello there my name is Henrietta." She says crouching down and setting her bag on the ground next to her. "What's your name?"

I whimper before backing away slowly and bring my legs to my chest shielding myself and my bag.  Curling into a ball I look away preparing to be hurt.

"She was a little bit skittish but from those bruises on her legs you could probably tell why." Sergeant Grant whispers to Henrietta.

I carefully peak up from behind my boney knees and see them both watching me warily.

"Its okay sweetheart you don't need to tell me but I do need at look at those bruises there." Henrietta says quietly.

I glance around the park to see parents and children avoiding a hundred foot radius surrounding the park bench.  Slowly I turn my focus back to Henrietta and Sergeant Grant. Whimpering I stuff my head down in between my legs and breathing slowly to avoid panicking. 

"I'm gonna move the stretcher over here okay? I need you to climb up here if you can okay?" Henrietta said slowly before walking away towards the red truck.

Stretcher? what did that means? Were they gonna hurt me? My breathing had quickened and I slowly rocked back and forth on the bench trying to mentally prepare myself for the torture I was sure was coming. I mean it can't possibly get worse than it was. Could it?

"Who did this to you?" Sergeant Grant whispers almost to herself before turning to her car and leaning against the side.

By the time I looked away from Sergeant Grant Henrietta had come back with what appeared to be a moveable bed and a man who looked to be shorter than her but I knew not to trust him, or anyone else, it never ended well for me.

"Hey there, my name is Howie but all my friends call me Chim." The man  said smiling.

Scared of what that smile meant I scooted back some more curling up tighter and closing my eyes. it was always better to stay small and non-threatening they liked it when I appeared submissive.

"Chim why don't you head back to the truck, we'll be there in a second okay?" Henrietta said.

"Sure thing," he said and the sound of his footsteps faded away.

Peeking out I tried to determine if there was a way for me to run but the bed thing and Henrietta where blocking my way. As well as Sergeant Grant who was looking at me as if I was a danger.

"Do you think you could climb up on this for me? You don't have to come close but I really need you to come with me." Henrietta said.

Looking around once more for any possible chance of escaping I resigned myself to my fate and slowly uncurled just enough for me to climb onto the bed thing. Looking at the big truck that would seal my fate I started crying quietly.

These tears weren't of joy there were angry sorrowful tears. Tears of regret and shame.

How could the world do this to me? Giving me the worst life it could ever give anyone and then giving me a small taste of what could've been before ripping it to shreds and lighting on fire right before my eyes.

Startled from my inner turmoil I watched as Henrietta lifted the bottom part of the bed until it folded small enough to load into the back of the truck. 

"Here we go," she said before climbing in and swinging the doors closed behind her.

Quickly scrambling to get farther away from her I accidentally fall from the bed dropping my bag next to her. Too scared to grab it I just whimper and back further away wishing that I had Einstein with me.

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