Chapter 12

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When we get to the room Karen sets the tray down and gently walks towards Hen.

"Hey baby, wake up we made you breakfast." Karen whispers gently shaking Hen.

"Mmhm, you did?" Hen asks her voice slightly husky.

"Yep but you can't have it if you're asleep." Karen waves me over to her as she settles in next to Hen.

I crawl towards Karen and sit across from her while Hen sits up and pulls the tray to her lap.

"Well I don't know what I did to deserve this but I'll do it all the time if it means getting breakfast from my two favorite girls." Hen says punctuating her actions with a bite of pancake.

I giggle at Hen's silliness and turn back to look at Karen who is laughing along with Hen. Suddenly I feel alone, even with Hen and Karen sitting right there. I know it's stupid and that they aren't really excluding me but I can't help it.

"I can see the wheels in your head doing overtime." Hen jokes running her hand up and down my arm.

"What are you thinking about?" Karen wonders.

"Pancakes?" I squeak out trying to hide my problems.

"Really? Pancakes?" Hen asks her voice very suspicious. 

"Yeah pancakes." I whisper fiddling with my fingers.

"Well if you're thinking about pancakes how about you eat some too?" Karen asks reaching to my tray and cutting up my pancakes into little pieces before stabbing one on a fork and putting it up to my mouth.

Blushing I open my mouth a little bit and take the pancake. It was light and fluffy and super sweet. It was delicious, and I must have done a silly face because Karen smiled and huffed out a laugh. 

"I think someone likes the pancakes." Hen says.

I nod and watch carefully as Karen stabs another bite to bring it to my mouth. We continue on with Karen feeding me and herself for a while before she gives me the fork. 

After we are done with breakfast we bring our trays to the kitchen and wash them as well as the pans we used. 

"Thank you for breakfast, it was delicious." Hen says.

I nod my head before hiding behind Karen because I was embarrassed. Karen pushes me in front of her and lays one hand on my shoulder while Hen grips both shoulders and crouches down so that she's at eye level with me.

"There's no need to hide little one, you deserve all the praise we give you. Okay?" Hen assures me.

I nod then shake my head and ask, "Why?"

"Because you are the most beautiful little girl in the world, and you are kind and amazing all at the same time." Hen exclaims with a smile on her face.

"Yeah what Hen said." Says Karen eliciting a giggle from me.

We are interrupted by a small dinging noise coming from Hen's phone (I think that's what it is).

Hen stops to look at it and her face falls. Standing up she turns around after assuring us it's nothing. She presses her finger on the screen before lifting it to her ear.

"Hey Thena, Yes she's fine.... No I haven't.... Are you sure? Okay... Yep see you in a bit." 

Hen hangs up the phone and turns back to us rubbing a hand over her forehead. Then, she crouches back down and looks at me carefully.

"Hey Alexis, do you remember Sergeant Grant? She was there the day we found you?" She questions.

I nod and add, "She was nice."

"She is very nice, in fact she is one of Karen and I's closest friends. But that's not why I asked, I asked because Athena or Sergeant Grant has some questions for you. So we are gonna need ot go to her police station for a while. Okay?" Hen explains.

"Will you stay with me? And Karen too? Oh and Einstein?" I ask.

Karen chuckles before answering with a small, "Yes princess."

"Okay but I have to get dressed first." I say sternly no way was I gonna see their friends looking like a bum.

All I get in response is a few chuckles and hands pushing me back down the hallway towards the shower.

𝘖𝘩 𝘉𝘰𝘺.

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