Chapter 13

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I sat in a cold metal chair in a dark room somewhere in the police station. Sergeant Grant brought me in here and then made Hen and Karen wait outside. She did say that they were just through the little glass mirror-like thing. 

There was only one light in the room and it didn't light up very much of it. It reminded me of the basement that I ran away from. I was scared.

I startled as the door pushed open and Sergeant Grant walked in. She appeared to be holding some sort of folder? I wasn't quite sure.

"Sorry that took so long we had some complications with your file," She raised the folder up as she talked.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to cause any trouble," I whispered looking at my fidgeting hands.

"No, no it was no trouble at all, we just needed to look a little bit closer at some things," She assures me before sitting down across from me.

"I just have a few questions for you is that okay? You have to right to have a lawyer present but I don't think you need one,"

"Oh... Um I think I'm okay but I can keep Einstein with me right?" I ask squeezing my koala a little bit tighter,

"Of course whatever you need." She opens the folder and pulls out some pictures and weird document thingy's.

She turns to me and flips a paper around, "Do you know this man?"

I look at the paper and gasp, before sliding it back to her, it was my father. I nodded quickly before looking back down at Einstein.

"That's my father," I explain.

I realize then that if they know who my dad is then they can send me back to him.

"Please don't send me back to him, I'll be good I promise." Shrinking in on myself my mind begins to race with all the possibilities.

I could be homeless in a new city without Karen or Hen, or I could be back in the basement with 𝙃𝙞𝙢. I was terrified and on the verge of a full blown panic when a clear calm voice cut through it all.

"Hey there little one, are you back with us?" Asked the voice.

Distantly I felt a hand running up and down my back and another one massaging my head a little. I leaned into the touch, the only thing keeping me from disappearing into my head again.

"There she is, can you look at us princess?" I finally recognized the voice, it was Hen and when I heard a second voice whispering nothing but kindness in my ear I knew it was Karen.

I peeked up at them and tried to calm my racing heart, "Good girl, now why don't we get up off of this nasty floor okay little bit?" Hen asked.

I nodded and moved to stand only to be swept up into Hen's arms. I giggled at her silliness before laying my head on her chest and listening to its calming rhythm. Once Hen had us settled into a chair with Karen sitting right next to us I looked up and saw Sergeant Grant smirking at us with a friendly mischief in her eyes.

"Well well, what do we have here?" She teases.

"Oopsies," I whisper grabbing onto Karen's hand.

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