Chapter 18

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I hadn't meant to say that out loud I just wanted to get my thoughts straight and now I messed up and I'm sitting in the darkest corner of the living room crying quietly.  

Why is it everytime I do something stupid I run and hide, I'm so tired.

"Alexis, sweetheart come on out of there, you're not in trouble and there's nothing to be embarrassed about." I look up from my hiding place behind the couch to see Karen leaning over with a soft expression on her face. I whimper and push my head into my knees.

"There is nothing wrong with what you said sweetie. So come on out and we'll talk and then have a snack then a nap, okay?" Karen soothes putting her hand out towards me.

I take her hand and carefully stand up before crawling back over the couch. She sits me on her hip before walking back to the room where Hen is waiting for us quietly.

I bury my head in Karen's shoulder and sniffle quietly. I really don't want to seem like even more of an idiot than I am. 

"Hey little bit, enough of that. You deserve every ounce of love that we give you and if you are really in love with us than we will cherish that love until you don't have anymore." Karen whispers pulling me into her lap so that I am facing her and Hen.

"Karen is right, we may be a little difficult at times but we love you, even if you don't believe it. We may have only known each other for a month and a half but that is more than enough time for us to see you for you." Hen reaches for my face and gently cups my cheek. I nuzzle in and sniffle before smiling.

"Are you sure? I don't even know that much about the real world or anything, and I don't really know if this is love. I-I mean it feels like love a-and I don't think it's not but I don't really know..." My voice got quieter as I got more unsure.

"That's perfectly okay no one really understands how they feel all the time, just relax and don't overthink it. Now who wants a snack?" Karen says nicely.

"I do, can I have some fruit? Or maybe crackers? Or, or could I have some mini cookies?" I ask snack time has been my favorite part of the day for the last week because Hen came home with a coloring book and Karen let me color while I eat.

"How about we have some cheese sticks and apples?" Karen suggests.

"Okay! But can I color while I eat?" I ask.

When Hen and Karen both nod I speed walk to my coloring bin. Because Karen got mad when I ran through and stubbed my toe on the chair. Once I grabbed my bin I made my way to the coffee table and set out to color the next page.

Karen POV

I smiled as I watched Alexis color the next page in her coloring book. Hen stood next to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I turned back to the cutting board in front of me and continued to slice the apples up and plate them next to the bowl of peanut butter. 

"Hen, would you mind grabbing the cheese sticks from the fridge please?" I ask, and Hen turns to the fridge to grab them. 

Once the snacks where plated and the garbage was cleaned up we made our way to where Alexis is coloring but we have to stop and hold in our laughter at the site before us.

Alexis is sound asleep on top of her coloring page and the blue marker in her hand has made an entire blue streak across her face. I try and stifle my laugh while Hen goes over and gently and brings her to the little room where we change her into a onesie and then lay her in the bed. 

I turn on the monitor and we make our way to the living room to clean up and put the uneaten snacks away. I smile at Hen and curl up on the couch next to her.


We wake to the sound of fearful whimpers. Together we walk into the little room and are met by small arms reaching up for us with a whimper.  Hen quickly scoops Alexis up and cuddles her close. 

Alexis whimpers and pushes herself closer to Hen. I make my way over to them and I rub Alexis' back gently. 

"What happened baby?" Hen asks quietly.

"I fell off the bed and you weren't there and I didn't know where I was." Alexis whispers

"Look around baby do you recognize where you are?" I ask quietly.

"Mhmm, sometimes when I first wake up I don't realize where I am.  I get scared sometimes and I freak out and it makes things worse." Alexis whispers burying her face in Hen's shoulder. 

"Okay, we'll keep that in mind. Why don't we go make some dinner?" I ask. 

We slept longer than I thought, its already 6 o'clock. 

"Okay, can we have spaghetti?" Alexis perks up at the suggestion of food.

Hen looks to me and shrugs before answering with an affirmative. 

"Yay! Pasghetti!" Alexis shouts and fist bumps the air.

I smile and open the door for my two favorite people as they do a little happy dance.

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