Chapter 11

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* Kate *

Elijah drove quickly back towards Forks .

" Elijah ?" I asked .

The whole ride had been silent and for the first time, he looked up at me . 
" Yes ? " he asked .

" I'm sorry for your loss .I know what it's like to lose someone . " I said , looking out the window .

" You do ? " he asked .

I nodded .
" My family . " I said with a sigh .

The truth was , I'd left out a very important part of my story . A very painful part of my story .  The first part of my life after my family's death, I was traded from orphanage to orphanage and finally ended up spending 5 months in an insane asylum . I never told anyone that . Nobody knew . Whenever I thought of my family , I sort of blamed them for it . For driving me to the edge . It was only when I escaped that I realized that I was never to the edge . People only made me think I was . Sick , isn't it ?

" I'm sorry . " Elijah said .

I sighed . 
" Not your fault . " I said .

The rest of the drive was like the first part . Silent . Elijah stopped the car a little away from the Cullen house and I took a few deep breaths , getting out .

" How are we going to do this ? "

* Kol *

I knew it was time to put out plan into action . The only one who would be able to go against my brother would be me . Damon wasn't an original and I didn't know what the Cullens would be like against my type of vampire .I took a few steps out of the house , knowing that the Cullens were watching from inside as I instructed them . 

" Niklaus ! " I said and then wasn't surprised to find my brother jump down from a tree .

I rolled my eyes and pulled my baseball bat out and bashed him in the knee so unexpected that he fell back , giving me time to start running like hell , knowing he'd be enraged and stupid enough to follow me .

* Kate *

Elijah listened to Kol's footsteps running swiftly over the forest floor after he provoked his brother and picked me up gently , bridal style and started to run towards the Cullen house . We were halfway there , running through the woods when I caught a blurr of blonde hair . The same blonde hair I saw when I fell off of the cliff . 

" Elijah ! " cried the girl in anger as she chased us , but Elijah was faster .
" Hello , Rebekah . " Elijah said , not looking back .

" What are you doing ?! Nik needs the Decanva Doppleganger ! " Rebekah screamed in rage . 

" Sorry , Bekah . Not happening . And if you so much as touch her , you'll have Kol to deal with . Do you really want that ? You know what he can do . You know what he's capable off . " Elijah called behind.

I clung tighter to him , burrying my face in his chest as I didn't want to here anymore . Rebekah screamed in frusteration . 

" He can't be any worse then Niklaus ! " she said .

" Can't he ? Yes he can . Do you really want to have to answer to him ? He doesn't care about you , Rebekah and if he does , it's not even enough to make up 1/3 of how much he cares for this girl . Take my advice and run . Run , Rebekah . For once in your life, don't be ignorant ! " Elijah warned .

She wouldn't listen and lunged at Elijah , knocking us to the forrest floor where I fell and ended up being thrown against a tree . I screamed as I slid down the thick tree and looked down at my ribs that were once again on fire with a pain I knew well . Elijah jumped up and just as Rebekah was about to grab me , Elijah grabbed her and threw her back . In a flash , I was in someone else's arms as we were blurring through the trees . I gasped in shock , my scream sticking to my throat as I worried about who was holding me . I froze and sighed in relief when I saw Edward . I wrapped my arms around him and saw Emmett on his other side and then Elijah run up on the empty side , each guarding us as we ran to the Cullen house . 

* Kol *

I shook my head as I lured Klaus away from the Cullen house and then heard a scream . Kate was hurt . I could smell her blood and I knew Klaus would to . Damn .He was about to turn around and run after her when I snarled and pulled him back, throwing him against a tree . Klaus screamed in anger and jumped up just in time for me to hit him so hard that he went flying back . 

" Damn you , Kol ! " he yelled .

" You crossed a line , Klaus . I'm here to make sure you don't cross it again ." I growled .

" And if I do ?! " Klaus taunted .

I smirked and grabbed a dagger out of my pocket and shoved it into his heart , hearing him gasp . He was a hybrid , so he'd wake up a few hours later , but at least this would stop him for a little while . I had 2 more daggers . One from Finn and one from Elijah . 

* Kate * 

We got back to the Cullen house and I sighed in relief as we reached the threshold . Edward carried me over it and put me down , as Emmett walked in . Elijah couldn't because I hadn't invited him in . I was just about to when Rebekah showed up covered in leaves and blood . She grabbed Eiljah and threw him off the porch . In her hand she had a rock . 
" Damn you , I'll throw it so hard that it will kill you . I don't need to come inside , bitch . " she screamed at me .

Edward was about to pull me inside and shut the door when I saw Elijah on the ground . I couldn't leave him out there .  Rebekah threw the rock at me and I caught it in my hand with a smirk , walking over the threshold .
" Are you insane ?! " Damon yelled from inside .

" What are you ?! " Rebekah demanded .

I knew I wasn't as strong as her , but perhaps I was strong enough . I brought up my leg and kicked her off the porch as she fell on the ground with a thud next to Elijah . Elijah blurred up and stood next to me protectively . Rebekah flashed up and stabbed Elijah through the stomach and then turned to me . 

" You little bitch! " she hissed .

She grabbed me around the neck and held me pinned against a tree . My air was leaving my lungs and then Rebekah's grip lostened and she dropped me , falling to the ground on her face with a dagger in her back . Behind the dagger was Kol , who was glaring down at his lifeless sister . I put my hand around my throat to catch my breath and ran forward , seeing Kol , pulling him into my arms as we kissed . 
" Come on . Klaus will be waking up soon . " he said , wrapping his arms around me , picking me up bridal style as we walked up to the porch .
Elijah followed us and paused at the door .
" Come on in , Elijah . " I said and then put my head back down on Kol's chest .

----- Action . So ... what do you think is gonna happen ? --------- 

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