Chapter 12

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* Kate *

Carlisle had once again bandaged me up and I walked into the living room , still clutching my side to see the Cullens ,Kol , Elijah , Damon, and a very pregnant Bella . The monster kid was growing really fast and I know that worried Edward .

" How do you feel ? " Rosalie asked me as she walked over gently hugging me . 

" Like hell , but I'll live . Once again . " I said sarcastically .

I turned to Kol and Elijah . 

" You know how to fix this mess ? " I asked , crossing my arms over my chest .

A growl ripped through Edward .

" NO ! " he yelled , loud enough for the house to rattle . 

Everyone jolted thier heads to Kol , since it was obvious Edward had read his mind . 

" It's he only way that she would ever hope of losing Klaus . " Kol murmered , looking down .

" What is it ? " I asked , grabbing his hand .

Everyone looked at me as if it was some big secret and I was the only one that wasn't apart of it .

" What ?! " I asked ,louder this time .

" You'd have to become a vampire . " Elijah said calmly .

" NO!  " Edward said again .

" That can't happen ! There has to be another way .I wouldn't have chosen this for myself , let alone Kate . " Rose said sadly .

 " Klaus needs her to be human . It has to happen ! " Damon said , taking a step towards me .

Edward growled . 

" Don't touch her ! " he hissed . 

" It makes sense .... " Emmett said .

Edward shot him a glare and so did Rosalie .

" I'm sure that we can help her through it . " Esme said sweetly . 

" Edward , it seems logical . " Carlisle said .

" You want to kill her ?! She's only 17 years old ! She's young ! She's human ! She could have a life and you want to end it ? " Edward demanded .

Everyone got silent and looked at me as I got enraged and threw Edward against the wall .

" Are you listening to yourself ?! How dare you ! Do you think I'd be here if I could have a life ?! I'm already dead Edward ! I died the night that you did ! You know it's true ! Don't you dare deny it ! I'm not young ! I'm as old as you are ! I'm over  90 years old ! It's my decision ! " I screamed .

He froze , listening to my words , each one cutting him deeper . 

" You could have a life . " he whispered .

" Enough ! Enough about what I COULD have ! I could have alot of things . But I don't . " I said , looking back over at Kol .

" I'll do it . I knew it would happen eventually . " I said , walking back over to him as he wrapped his arms around my waist .

Rosalie looked down at the ground and Edward stormed off . Kol looked down at me with a nod .

" So , I guess we have another Cullen . " Alice said happily .

" Hell yes ! I've been waiting to see Katie as a badass vampire . " Emmett chuckled .

" No . As soon as Klaus is out of my life , I'm out of yours . I'll go somewhere else . " I muttered , walking upstairs , not wanting to talk about this anymore right now because I kenw it had Edward in a rage .

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