Chapter 2

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A 16 years girl was watching tv in her home. She was home alone that night, suddenly power was went off.

"What! Not now" she groaned placing her note books aside and went to kitchen with the help of her phone torch light.

She light up the candle and went back to living room saw her books are scattered throughout her way back to couch.

She doesn't understand what is happening here. "Is anyone here" she shouted feeling someone else's presence on the big alone house.

She get no reply her heart was beating fast with fear and sweating heavily. Soon she hears some humming from upstairs.

It was coming to her side who ever is humming is descending steps she hears foot sounds.

Her phone vibrated with a message from unknown number. She opened her message and read it.

"You will kill yourself"

These words written on it. Her phone slipped from her hands.....

Isha pov :

I was tossing around the bed not knowing how to tell my brother about morning incident.

Argh!!! Why the hell you take car Isha!!! See now you need to tell your stupid almost accident to your brother!!!

"Isha, aren't you sleep yet" I hear my brother voice saw him coming into my room.

"Gourav I need to tell you something" I said fidgeting with my fingers. He raised his eyebrow.

If I didn't tell him myself that rude guy will tell him!!

"Don't tell me you've done some stupid thing today. If that yes I will send back to California to mom and dad" he said warning me.

"No— it's not like that" I said laughing nervously "I didn't do anything today" I said.

"That was strange. You won't sleep if you didn't create any problem" he mumbled looking at me suspiciously.

"You go I was feeling sleepy" I said fake yawning. He rolled his eyes and come forward make me laid on bed cover me with duvet.

"You won't sleep if I leave you alone you will go back to your phone" he said switching off lights and sat beside me.

"Gourav" I whined "close your eyes" he said caressing my hair I smiled closing my eyes for sleep.


I woke up with noises coming from living room. I rubbed my eyes for making my sleep go away.

I got down from bed and freshen up and went outside saw Gourav was talking with someone who's back is facing to me.

When Gourav saw me "Isha come here" he said I frowned and walk towards him.

"This is Isha my sister. He is ACP Harsha" my brother said when I saw that person my eyes widened and jaw dropped.

He smirked at me looking at my shocking state.

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