Chapter 1

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It was around midnight and a 16 years old girl talking with her friend on phone.

"I wasn't scared about being alone tonight but I was feeling like someone is also with me" she said looking at the empty house.

"You've watched a lot of horror films these days. Stop thinking and go to sleep" her friend told her on phone.

"Mom and dad told me that they would be coming back in morning, i've been home alone before also but I don't know why I was feeling like this this time" she said.

"Don't worry nothing will happen if you still feel like you've been watched call the cops I will be in your home tomorrow early morning" her friend said.

Rain start pouring heavily and power went off "Close all the doors and sleep" her friend told and disconnect the call.

"Maybe I'm over thinking" that girl told her self and checked all the doors and windows before heading off to her bedroom lightening the candle.

She took a sharp knife from kitchen and kept on beside table for just in case.

She laid on bed covering herself with blanket.

Before she slipped into her sleep she hears someone humming it was not any other movie music this was different like hypnotic and wanting to hear more. She got panic instantly and sat up.

"Who is that" she shouted with a shaking voice. That humming was coming close to her room.

She turn on the torch light "who——i—is—-tha—-t" she was shaking with fear.

Suddenly her phone buzzed with a message from unknown number.

"You're gonna kill yourself"

There was words where written on it. She start shaking with fear.

She took that sharp knife from bedside table and hold it tightly in her shaking hand.......


The cops are collecting evidences that found on the crime spot. "Is officer Harsh came" one of the senior officer Ranjith asked "not yet sir" a cop

Car stopped and a 6'2 height man got down from the car and looked around media immediately start surrounded him.

Soon cops came and clear the crowd ACP Harsh walk towards the body.

"This is looking like a suicide" senior officer said to Harsh "forensic collecting the body and we are suspecting as suicide" Ranjith said to Harsha.

Harsha saw the victim parents "sir we are Priya's parents" her dad said holding his crying wife.

"Tell me about her" Harsha said staring at Priya's body. "She was a nice girl. But she went through depression from past 1 year" her mom said in tears. When harsha hears this his heart clenched with past.

"She was in relationship with a guy but he died last year in front of her" her friend said. "How did he died" he asked ignoring everyone's confusion look that why he asking this when he already knows.

"A guy hit him it's drunk and drive" her dad said "tell me about her lifestyle" Harsha asked them.

"Harsha, I think you shouldn't be involved in this case" ranjith said to him.

Harsha sighed "sir why shouldn't I" he asked "because we all know the reason for this" ranjit said and left from there.

"Sir this is Vidhya, detective you asked" one of the cop said Harsha saw a girl who is 25 years around his age was staring at him.

"Hello" he said shook his hands with her she smiled nervously "actually I—" before he could say something his phone start ringing.

He excused himself and went outside leaving a girl and confused the confused girl.

Harsha pov :

"I don't think Vamsi will do it alone. I will give you the address of the expert forensic doctor meet him for this case he is well known forensic expert" sir said.

I was driving back to my home I was very sleepy and didn't realise that some car was wrongly coming my side.

I turn the steering aside pressing the break it stopped with screeching noise. I took deep breaths and got down from car and walked to the opposite car.

"Hey come outside. Don't you know how to drive" I shouted thudding window. Slowly window slid down saw a girl who is closing her eyes tightly.

She open her eyes slowly "I am sorry I didn't do it intentionally" she said got down from car.

"If anything happen your sorry won't cover the damage" I said glaring at her "I told you sir I am not done it intentionally" she said raising her voice.

"Intentionally or not but you done wrong" i said she glared at me "hello mister. Whom you think you are talking. Do you have any idea who's sister I am" she said placing her hands in her hips.

"Do you know who I am" I asked her crossing my arms "who" she asked me raising her eyebrows.

"I'm the sister of the famous forensic expert gourav" she said proudly raising up her chin. I shook my head.

Before I could say anything my phone start ringing. I saw caller ID it was my mom.

"Mom i am coming" I said over phone looking at this girl. I cut the call "tell your brother to meet me. If you not I will myself meet him" I said taking her phone.

I typed my number and give back her phone "it was my number give it to him" I said her eyes widened and jaw dropped with shock.

I walk back to my car and drove away to my home. Thinking about this case, we don't know whom did this but I don't think it was just a normal case.


Hello everyone👋🏻

How is the chapter!!

It was my first time to write the mysterious story. Please ignore the mistakes.

Do like⭐️

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