Chapter 4

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Harsh Pov:

I saw Isha lost the conscious and about to fall, i and Gourav ran towards her before she fall we both catch her.

"Shitttt!!!we have to take her to hospital" Gourav said I nodded and I lift her in my arms and told Gourav to call my team as they already started and make her lay on back seat of my car kushi climbed inside and put Isha head in her lap.

Gourav came and climbed before I start car my team reached I drove to hospital.


After half n hour of waiting outside of the ICU I saw doctor came. Gourav ran towards him "nothing to worry she just went into shock" he said Gourav gets relaxed a bit.

"Can we see her" he asked "yeah we will shift her to normal ward just her drip completed as she felt weak so we just put her some drip" doctor said we nodded. After shifting Isha to normal ward Gourav sat on the chair outside of her room.

"Bhai don't worry nothing will happen to her" kushi said.

"She is better stay with mom and dad" he said "Gourav don't make decisions on her life" I said "she is my sister" he said angrily.

"That's what I'm saying she is your sister only you can't make decisions for her she has the right to choose what she wants she isn't any kid anymore" I told him.

Through I don't know Isha other than her attitude on that night but still she is a girl.

"You should give her freedom let her do what she wants. She wants to be with you" I told him placing my hand on his shoulder.

"You are lucky that you have a sister and she wants to be with you even at your worst" I told him.

"Harsh" he said I shook my head. Hard reality hit me that I don't have anyone.

"You know I went to the therapist for my depression for not having anyone with me and I know how bloody painful it is" I told him.

I don't know why I'm saying this to him. Usually I won't share my personals to anyone but today these words are slipped. "Excuse me" i excused myself and went outside lightning my cigarette.

Ranjit sir called me "what is the progress" he asked me "we found an evidence" i told him smirkingly.

I will make you suffer for this.....

Isha pov:

I heard Harsh words i felt his pain he may egoistic but he has soft heart at some point. I saw Gourav coming inside with kushi "how are you feeling" he asked i can see tear stains on his face.

"I'm just scared okay seeing that body nothing much" I told him pouting "okay okay brave girl" he said laughing aa little.

"Let's go home" I said he nodded after lot of process I finally came to home my sweet home. I sat on sofa thinking whether Harsh is what kind of person.

"Gourav what happen to Harsh why did he went into depression" I asked him who is watching news.

"That's a long story" he said "tell me" I asked him "he lost his father at very young age, officer Vamsi is his cousin. One more thing he had a girlfriend" he said my eyes almost got tears.

"Had? What happen to her now" I asked him confusingly "she died" he said my eyes widened closing my mouth with my hands.

"How" i asked him "suicid" he said "they decided to get married but everything went wrong" Gourav said massaging his temples.

"Why?" I asked him I mean they both wanted to get married and in love then why?

"Don't know maybe that's why he is taking this case seriously now every girl who is murdered and poses as suicide" he said.

"It happens 8 years back he over come it but still in guilt for not saving her" Gourav said as he completed I felt very sad for Harsh.

No doubt why he is being rude but yet he speak for me.

"Okay let's get you to bed" he said I nodded. He made me laid on bed covering with bedsheets.

"Call me when you need anything" he said caressing my hair. "Don't worry I won't send you to mom and dad you can do what you want" he said smiling at me.

I smiled sheepishly "good night" he wished me I wished him back he switched off the light closing door behind him.

I was so scared as I saw a young girl around my age was laying on floor in blood and her hands are...they are detached from her body and her legs were cut into pieces.

Even now also I get goosebumps while thinking about that I tightly shut my eyes feeling scared.

Suddenly I heard my phone ring I saw it is Harsh I frowned and lifted the call after lot of thinking.

"Hello" I said there is an silence from that side "are you okay" he asked me "yes" I said watching moon from my glass door of balcony "okay good night call me if there is any need" he said and disconnected the call.

I stared at my mobile screen thinking what just happened. I sighed and closed my eyes trying to get some sleep.

Harsh pov:

Why did I called her!!!!!

Arghhhh!!! Why I'm involving in her personal life???

I saw Aisha in Isha when she is on hospital bed and I want to become her voice.

I cared for that girl as she is also the same age of the girls who are murdered.

Don't know how to solve this case we don't find anything except his shoe marks but how can we find him..

Forensic reports will come on tomorrow morning but I'm sleepless now....

I looked outside at moon from my balcony laying on bed "maybe——Another time" I mumbled closing my eyes....


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