Chapter 7

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Harsh pov :

"How is that even possible" Gourav said "how can he kill again that too very fast" he said I looked outside "it is getting too danger" Isha said from backseat "now who" she asked me "a teenage girl again" I told her.

I want to kill that person with my bare hands I took deep breaths calming myself and looked at the mirror to see isha she is looking at us with confusing look.

"Let's drop isha at home and we will go to the crime scene" I told gourav "what no! I am also coming" she said sternly.

"It's not safe we can't take you to the hospital if you fall seeing the body " I told her but have she ever listened to me no so as always we three go to the crime scene.


"Sir she is using depression pills" handed me the pills bottle. I saw her parents crying over the girl dead body I went near to them.

"Is she under therapy" I asked them showing the bottle. "Yes" her mother said cryingly.

"From how many years and what is the reason" I asked them.

"She has love failure so she went into the depression" her father told "love failure? If you don't mind can you tell me clearly" I asked him.

"That boy cheated on her" her mother told. "She went into the depression and taking therapy" her mother said I saw her phone is lying on the floor.

I collected it and checked it was locked "gourav what about the other victims mobile is those phones are unlocked" I asked gourav.

"All these girls are using iPhones and it was very tough but by tomorrow we will crack it down" he told me and I handed him this girl phone also.

"She has cut on her right hand does she left handed person?" Isha asked that girl's mother "no" her mother said cryingly.

"Then the killer must be left handed" isha said "how can you sure about that!" I asked her "because all the victims are have cut on the right hand and they are not left handed persons and also if you observe that knifes will be on always laid beside the left side of
the body but don't it have any fingerprints" Isha said.

"Did you observe all these girls are using iPhones and they are rich or financially well settled and depressed, on therapy" Isha said coming forward.

"Which means that person has a target to kill not only depressed girls but also a financially well settled" she said.

"That person must have any past trauma for this" she said I nodded thinking what it could be. "We don't know about that person we don't have any clue except that person is a left handed" I told her.

"That killer must be taken therapy for sure because all these girls are going for the therapy session" Isha said.

"Which doctor she consulted" they've told me the address and I told Vamsi to check other girls details.

While waiting outside at the car for Vamsi call he called me "All girls are going to same doctor" Vamsi informed me.

"Yes!! We are very close to that person" I said and turned to isha who is looking at me with a smile "what!" I asked her "I saw your real smile for the first time" she said then I realise I'm smiling.

She is the reason for this!

Because if she didn't catch these things I don't know how many girls will be in danger.

"This is all because of you" I told her genuinely "see I am intelligent" she said proudly I rolled my eyes "by the way how you know all these things" I asked her gourav brings the coffee "I read crime novels" she said.

"So this is novel knowledge not your brain" I said she pouted I laughed "we will go to the clinic tomorrow morning" Gourav said I nodded and we started our journey to my home.


"Mom" I called mom she came downstairs with annoying look I know she is angry on me for coming late but her expression changed into smile while seeing gourav because she knows him.

But soon her expression changed into confusing while looking at isha.

"Mom she is isha gourav's sister" I told her isha joined her hands and bent down to take blessings from mom. I was surprised to see her but I liked it.

Mom hold her shoulders and make her stand "she is looking so beautiful, Gourav why didn't you told me before that you have a sister" mom asked.

"Because the situation didn't came" I told her behalf of gourav "oh I see. Then what is the situation now" she asked me with mischievous smile I rolled my eyes.

I told her about the situation we are all seated in the living room "no problem you can stay here as long as you want" she said caressing isha hair I never saw mom happy about me bringing a girl to home.

She always wanted me to marry a girl after Aisha death truth be told mom didn't like Aisha very much but she accepted because of me.

"Let me show your rooms" mom said brining me t urchin back from my thoughts and both women's went upstairs and I took gourav to show his room.

Today I felt weird!!!!

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