Chapter 5

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"Sir there are 12 criminals are matched with that shoe size but we don't know whether they are the culprit or not" my assistant Raghav said.

I saw there are 12 members are standing I watched their expressions but I don't think so they've done this because they all are scared "i don't think they are done this but check their background" i told him.

In all way home I was thinking how to catch him we have foot size but there are lot of people....

I was so deeply in my thoughts that I didn't realise a vehicle is came in front of me I pushed hard break and stumbled forward.

I saw the same car again!!! I got down rolling my eyes I went to the car and knocked the window slowly window scrolled down "Isha won't you stop your worst driving skills on road" I asked her.

She pouted trying to put angry look but it failed miserably "don't try to put angry look because you always looks like an child" I said her eyes widened.

"If you park your car aside then we have to discuss something" I told her she parked her car and got down "let's go" I said held her hand dragging her to my car.

"Stop. why are you taking me to your car" she asked me while trying to freeing herself but failed as my grip on her hand is so tight.

I opened passenger seat door waited her to get in but being Isha she folded her arms looking at me "I can't let people die with your driving skills. So please get inside I have other works to do after dropping you to your home" I told her.

"I can go myself" she said "no you are not allowed for that by the way who let you step out from bed" I asked her she smiled sheepishly "Gourav is not home but please don't tell him" she pleaded.

"Then get inside" I said smirking at her she mumbled something which I didn't understand probably cursing me.

"My car?" She asked me "I will send it to you" i told her she nodded and get inside the car.

"Did you find the killer" she asked me after a 15 minutes full silence "not yet he is very intelligent" I said tightening my grip on steering.

"How do you say it's he" she asked me I stopped car at her apartment "huh?" "I mean the killer may be female also right it can also be possible who knows!" She asked me.

"Yes must be" I said "then focus on that not on my driving skills" she said raising her eyebrow I laughed "come inside" she said getting down "not now maybe later" I said she nodded and got down not before giving me a small smile she walked into her house.

I called Raghav "the killer must be female also so do both searches" I told him and disconnected.

I went back to my house and sat on living room closing my eyes leaning my head backwards.


"Harsh don't be stressed you can do it" Aisha said massaging my temples "how can you be sure about that" I asked her.

"Because you are Harsh and I know you can do it" she said smiling at me.


I opened my eyes I still remember her smile and how she encouraged me.

Next day morning I got call from isha "hello" I said in sleepy voice because I'm still in bed sleeping. "ACP sir will you come to my house and arrest my brother" she said I laughed getting up "why what he has done" I asked her "he is not listening to me" she said I laughed.

Before she speak anything gourav snatched phone from her "Harsha I think we need to talk" Gourav said he sounds like tensed.

I didn't understand why he is so tensed "what happen" I asked him "could you please come over here" he asked me I said yes and got ready to gourav house.

When I parked the car at parking lot I felt like being watched I got down from car and look around but didn't find anyone.

Must be my imagination!!!

I shrugged off my thoughts and went to gourav house pressing the calling bell waiting patiently to someone will open the door.

The whole time I felt like same being watched but didn't find anyone I felt suspicious and look around but didn't find anyone.

After few minutes Isha opened the door spoon in her mouth and holding an ice cream box in hand her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she is wearing an white t shirt with track-pant.

She looks funny yet—-

I came out from my thoughts when she calls my name "come inside" she said and moved I felt stupid for staring at her.

I never seen her fully I went inside and sat on sofa she also sat opposite to me "gourav went to bath wait for few minutes" she said eating her ice cream without looking at me only watching her ice cream.

"Okay then" I said and took the news paper from coffee table "want to eat" she offered "no thanks you continue" I told her she shrugged off her shoulders and continued eating.

Suddenly we hear some utensils falling sound from kitchen isha looked at me confusingly "no one is there" she said I frowned.

"Must be wind or cat" I said trying be cool not overthinking "windows are closed there is no way for wind or cat" she said.

I got up from my place "you sit here" I told her she put her ice cream box aside I walked into the kitchen direction.

Each step I'm taking it makes me anxious don't know why.

I stopped at the door looking inside as isha said windows are closed there is no wind or cat but my eyes caught something.

I moved inside I felt isha following me behind I took out my gun looking around entering.

"Stay here" said sternly to isha and saw there is a blood written letters on wall.

Isha gasped "what happen" gourav entered kitchen but stopped looking at the wall.

"Tick tock tick tock clock is ticking for next one!!!"

I read the letters which are covered in blood fisting my hands............


Hey guysssss!!!!!
Sorry for the late update😢

But from now on I will give regular updates...

So tell me ur view in comments.

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