Chapter 8

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Harsh PoV:

I was in my study room looking through the files I heard door knock I said come in I saw Isha entering inside with hesitation look.

"What happen" I asked her she kept her eyes on ground not looking at me "it—-I—just—" she was shuttering.

"Do you want to ask anything" I asked her she nodded her head. "I was—-it's nothing" she said and about to go outside I got up from my place and held her hand stopping her.

"You can share anything" I told her genuinely she raised her eyes looking at me "it's just—I am scared" she said tears formed in her eyes.

"Hey hey!!! It's okay" I told her calming her "I was scared about Gourav" she said I frowned my eyebrows "why" I asked her "if anything happens he will send me back and I don't want to leave him alone" she said.

"No such a thing will happen I promise" I told her softly wiping off her tear which is escaped from her magical eyes.

I never saw her crying as long as I know she is a fierce lady who can punch anyone who came wrongly in her path.

"By the way do you find any clue" she asked me I shook my head negatively "I think that person maybe female, left handed and undergone therapy for sure" she said.

"But how can you so sure about that the killer is female" I asked her "because if that person is a male then the foot size will be 6 to 7 but here we found 5 it is mainly found in females" she said.

"It's just a theory we can't be sure" she said "and that person is wearing a shoe which is 5 to 6 and also that shoe print design looking like a female model" she said.

"That person must have any traumatic condition and which is why they are doing it" she said "you should check the other girls who are going for therapy and also if you know anyone going there is your friends or family make sure to inform them " she said I nodded.

"5 years back there is an similar case was found who murdered the teenage girls" I told her about my recent research about this case. I know she will be helpful for me to solve this case.

"Harsha, if you don't mind can I ask you about Aisha" she asked me I frowned Aisha was sensitive topic for me and I don't discuss this topic with anyone.

"Why?" I asked her "it's—-" she is hesitated to speak "Isha I can't discuss Aisha topic please" I told her looking aside.

"I understand" she said I nodded taking deep breaths "think deeply I know you can find that person" she said I looked at her.

"I am going to bed" she said I nodded she left the room.


I yawned looking at clock time is 2:30 in midnight I stretched myself closing my laptop I got up from place and walked towards the kitchen.

Suddenly I stopped in my tracks when I remember something!

Aisha also had depression!!!!

Suddenly lot of thoughts came in my mind which I can't able to imagine. "Does her death also?" I mumbled myself.

Suddenly I ran back to my study room ruffling through my files I took throw things which came between.

I found Aisha case file I signed in relief but my hands are start shivering "Harsha" I heard isha voice. Saw her standing at the door frame looking at me confusingly.

Isha pov :

I was in my room sleep is far away from me I was still thinking about this case.

Harsha told me that there is a similar case happened in 5 years back does this case is interlinked with that case?

Lot of questions are running in my mind suddenly I heard heavy footsteps I sat up on bed and heard files  falling down it is coming from Harsha study room.

I ran towards his room saw him shuffling through his files throwing away objects which came in middle. Thank god aunty room is in ground floor so she won't be able to hear this or else she will be tensed.

"Harsha" I called him he turned his head towards me his eyes are reddened I never saw him in this condition.

"Isha see Aisha is also died because of depression" harsha told me showing me a file I looked at file he held my hand and made me sit in sofa.

"This must be murder this same person maybe doing this" Harsha said mumbling himself. He is not in correct mind he was going emotional breakdown.

"Harsha listen" I called him held his face in my hands "I failed to protect her isha" he said tears rolled on his cheeks "I was very stupid there is obvious evidence that Aisha is murdered but I was so stupid to recognise these things" he cried I don't know what to do.

I hugged him tightly he hugged me back crying his heart out. Gourav told me that after Aisha death Harsha never shed a tear which make him emotionless.

I want him to cry his heart out and take out his pain because that's when he will work and save the innocents.

Is this because of case you are having soft corner or do you like him?

My heart questioned me I shake away those thoughts and focused on Harsha.


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