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Somewhere in afghanistan on a blackout FOB
y/n pov:
?: Hey how's it looking out there

I turn around to see my best friend daniel walking up the steps into the guard tower

y/n: it's the same shit as always a whole lot of nothing, so why are you here

Daniel: major dixon needs us we're going to be briefed for an assignment

y/n: "that's great but who's going to take my post?"As I say that a private approaches us rubbing the sleep out of his eyes

Private: "you're relieved of your post sergeant"

I nod as me and Daniel exits the guard tower and make our walk to the briefing room

y/n: "so hear anything interesting?" I ask slinging my rifle over my shoulder

Daniel: "actually I have some of the guys from hotel squad said some tier one operators are on base"

Y/n: "shit really? You know what unit?

Daniel: "no I don't he said they were wearing a lot of different uniforms."
We pause outside of the briefing room

Y/n: " well I just hope they don't cause trouble" I lift the flap to the tent as daniel enters and I follow. Upon entering I see the rest of my squad as well as people I didn't recognize but I ignore it and follow daniel to where my squad is seated. We exchange greetings as we take our seat and wait for the major to walk in, after a couple of minutes major dixon walks out as all conversations are hushed.

Dixon: "thank you all for coming on such short notice as you may have guessed you're going out on a mission but this isn't your standard op. As you have probably already seen you will not be going alone sitting across from you are operators from rainbow, you will be assisting them for this operation any questions?"

Silence fills the room before dixon continues speaking while turning on a projector. Dixon points to a picture on the screen of a man with a light stubble and a scar on his right eye wearing a black beret.

Dixon: "this is a high ranking office for a terrorist cell that has popped up recently. These terrorist call themselves the white mask and were the ones responsible for the chemical attack on the bartlett university" a couple people in my squad tense up upon hearing this as they had family that went there.

Dixon: "we've spotted him at a compound out in the middle of nowhere" the slide changed to a picture of a walled off compound with two three story buildings with guards littering the courtyard, "this will be a bag and tag op the HVT is to be taken alive at all cost is that clear"

Echo squad "Yes sir!"

Dixon: "good. You will take a CH-47 to the LZ and walk to the compound from there rainbow will take the eastern building and echo squad will take the western building. You leave at 0400(4 am) you're all dismissed."

My squad walks back to our barracks and gets our gear ready then lay down on our beds. As I'm about to close my eyes my squad leader speaks.

Eric: "I want everyone to bring their A game if rainbow is here these guys aren't a joke be ready for anything"

Rest of echo: "yes sir."

I roll over and whisper to daniel, "did you see those guys they had patches from multiple counties"

Daniel: "no shit they recruit people from all over the world, have you not heard of them before?"

Y/n: "no I haven't you know I don't pay attention"

Daniel: "I can tell" he says rolling his eyes "get some sleep I feel like we're going to need it" I roll over and look up at the ceiling thinking about what could be waiting for me before my eyes close and I drift off to sleep.

R6 x Army Ranger Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now